News Releases
Alexander Schiffer Receives $2,000 Jerry Heaster Scholarship in Business Journalism
He Will Hold a Business Journalism Internship at The Washington Post in Summer 2017 Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 23, 2016) — Missouri School of Journalism senior Alexander Schiffer is the first recipient of the $2,000 Jerry Heaster Scholarship in Business Journalism. He is pursuing his bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in print and digital … Continued
Fall 2016 @Mizzou: Strategic Communication Students Strategize Mizzou Athletics Campaign
Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 21, 2016) — As part of her Sports and Entertainment Promotion course, senior Maddy Siriouthay meets with some of her teammates to discuss strategy for a campaign they are working on for Mizzou’s athletic department. Their objective is to rebrand Mizzou Made as the “new” Total Persons Program for current and future … Continued
Fall 2016 @ Mizzou: Pursuing Sports Writing Dream at Missouri
Brad Almquist interviews Missouri football players Paul Adams and Alec Abeln. Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 20, 2016) — Senior Brad Almquist interviews Missouri football players Paul Adams and Alec Abeln in October during Media Day. Almquist, a Cincinnati native, is studying sports journalism. For his Advanced News Reporting class this semester, he is part of a … Continued
State Winners of Campaign About Dangers of Distracted Driving Recognized at School
From left, Matt Pritchard and John Sondag, both of AT&T Missouri; Shelby Henderson; Gary Castor, editor of the Jefferson City News Tribune; Grace Craighead; Dave Berry, publisher of the Bolivar Herald-Free Press; and Mark Maassen, executive director of the Missouri Press Association. Students Urge No-Phone Use in AT&T’s ‘It Can Wait’ Contest Essays Columbia, Mo. (Dec. … Continued
Magazine Writing Students Use Radio Essays to Tell Stories
Radio essays help students learn how to write “tight,” according to Associate Professor Berkley Hudson. His students created eight stories now available for listening on KBIA-FM. The ‘Learning Outside the Classroom’ Commentaries Are Now Live on KBIA-FM Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 19, 2016) — Eight Missouri School of Journalism magazine journalism students learned how to tell their … Continued
Student Project on Pulitzer-Winning Work Captures Attention of Professionals
“No Small Pulitzers,” a student project at the Missouri School of Journalism, is based on interviews with journalists from 17 Pulitzer-winning projects published between 1991 and 2016. ‘No Small Pulitzers’ Is Based on Interviews with Journalists from 17 Pulitzer-Winning Projects Published Between 1991 and 2016 Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 17, 2016) — A student project at … Continued
Fall 2016 @Mizzou: Producing a Morning Show Means Adopting a Nocturnal Lifestyle
By Jillian Mullin Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 16, 2016) — While other University of Missouri students are tucking in for the night at 11 p.m., sophomore radio-television producing student Mike Carlson rolls into KOMU-TV to work on the station’s morning show as a student producer. Carlson individually sought out opportunities at KOMU and has been working … Continued
Fall 2016 @Mizzou: Preparing for the Newscast
By JoEllen Grohs Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 15, 2016) — Radio-television journalism senior Lauren Barnas finishes her makeup and practices her script before going live on KOMU-TV for an October newscast. Barnas anchors and films stories for the Target 8 investigative team. The team is part of an advanced broadcast reporting class taught by Assistant Professor … Continued
DC Philanthropists Fund Missouri Journalism Fellowship for Indian Reporter
The Frank Islam and Debbie Driesman Fellowship will help an enterprising young reporter from India learn how to hold accountable the country’s people in power. Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 14, 2016) — The Frank Islam and Debbie Driesman Foundation has made a significant donation to Alfred Friendly Press Partners. The monies will fund a fellowship in … Continued
Fall 2016 @Mizzou: Copy Editor, The Story’s First Reader
By Madeline Jones Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 14, 2016) — Elizabeth Cassidy, a print and digital news senior, combs through the article “Fixating on Bill Clinton’s Past” as part of her work on the interactive copy editing desk at the Columbia Missourian. This community newspaper has been Cassidy’s home for two of the past three semesters. … Continued