Professor Marty Steffens Named to North American Committee Board of the International Press Institute

Vienna (June 27, 2013) — Missouri School of Journalism Professor Marty Steffens is one of two distinguished scholars and accomplished journalists appointed to the North American Committee (NAC) board of the International Press Institute (IPI). IPI also appointed Mercedes Vigón, associate director of the International Media Center at Florida International University. The two will join eight other … Continued

Missouri Journalism Students and Faculty Earn 485 Awards, Honors and Other Recognitions During Recent Academic Year

Columbia, Mo. (June 26, 2013) — Missouri School of Journalism students and faculty earned an impressive 485 top awards, honors and other recognitions during the 2012-13 academic year. Only honors that were selected in competitions sponsored by outside organizations or those external to the School are included in the list. Missouri students and faculty were … Continued

2013 Recipients of the Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism Announced

The Awards Ceremony Will Be on Tuesday, Oct. 29, on the University of Missouri Campus Columbia, Mo. (June 25, 2013) — The Missouri School of Journalism has announced its recipients of the 2013 Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism. The award, considered one of journalism’s most prestigious, honors career-long outstanding service to journalism. … Continued

Two Missouri Journalism Students Place Second, Third in National Hearst Journalism Awards Championships

Grant Hindsley Wins in Photojournalism Competition; Sarah Hoffman, in Multimedia San Francisco (June 13, 2013) — Two Missouri School of Journalism students were among the winning college journalists in the national championships of the Journalism Awards Program sponsored by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. The event was held June 3-7 in San Francisco. Grant Hindsley won … Continued

4 Missouri School of Journalism Professors Receive Promotions in Academic Rank

Columbia, Mo. (June 13, 2013) — University of Missouri Chancellor Brady Deaton has recognized the significant contributions of four Missouri School of Journalism professors with promotions in their academic rank, effective Sept. 1. Sandy Davidson and Shelly Rodgers were promoted to the rank of full professor. Yong Volz and Tim Vos were promoted to associate … Continued

Excessive Facebook Use Can Damage Relationships, Missouri Journalism Study Finds

Using Facebook Too Much Can Lead to Cheating, Breakup and Divorce By Nathan Hurst MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (June 10, 2013) — Facebook and other social networking websites have revolutionized the way people create and maintain relationships. However, new research shows that Facebook use could actually be damaging to users’ romantic relationships. Russell Clayton, … Continued

Missouri Alumni Share Advice with High School Students about College-Level Journalism

Be Persistent, Be Passionate and Build Your Portfolio, the Group Encouraged San Francisco (May 28, 2013) — Five Missouri School of Journalism alumni talked to a packed room of high school students from around the U.S. about what to expect from a college-level journalism program, emphasizing the importance of starting early on developing expertise and … Continued

Famous Footwear Taps MOJO Ad to Reach the Youth and Young Adult Market

Missouri School of Journalism’s Student-Staffed Ad Agency Delivers 3 Campaign Recommendations By Marissa Ferri Public Relations Account Executive MOJO Ad Columbia, Mo. (May 28, 2013) — Famous Footwear, a leading shoe retailer of Brown Shoe Company, challenged MOJO Ad to differentiate their brand from other shoe retailers in the market at the beginning of the … Continued