Reynolds Journalism Institute
Renowned Russian Poet to Perform “The Lead Honorarium” during Closing Ceremony of the Missouri Journalism Centennial/Dedication Celebration
The Sept. 12 Evening Event Is Free and Open to the Public Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 3, 2008) — As the world’s first school of journalism celebrates its first century on Sept. 12, one of the best known and most widely published poets in the world will commemorate the occasion and the sacrifice of journalists worldwide … Continued
Founding Dean of World’s First School of Journalism to Be Honored with Bronze Bust
Ceremony to Take Place During Missouri Journalism Centennial and Dedication Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 29, 2008) — The man who founded the world’s first school of journalism and was instrumental in spreading journalism education across the globe will be memorialized with a bronze bust in Walter Williams Hall, his namesake at the Missouri School of Journalism. … Continued
Dr. Edward C. Lambert, Missouri Broadcast Pioneer, Honored in Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 27, 2008) — More than a half century after changing the face of broadcast news in mid-Missouri, Dr. Edward C. Lambert is being honored by former students, family and friends with a named endowment and seminar room in the new Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism. The … Continued
Dale R. Spencer, Legendary Missouri Journalism Communication Law Professor, Honored in Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 27, 2008) — The legacy of Professor Dale R. Spencer, who was considered a national expert on communication law and libel, will be recognized in the new Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism. Family and friends have established the Dale R. Spencer Free-Press Studies Endowment and named … Continued
Mark Carter Named CCJ Executive Director and Goldenson Chair at the Missouri School of Journalism
Columbia, Mo. (March 17, 2008) — Mark Carter, a 20-year veteran media executive, strategist, reporter and executive producer, is the new executive director of the Committee of Concerned Journalists and the Goldenson Chair in Community Broadcasting at the Missouri School of Journalism, effective today. Carter is a founding partner of Mark Carter & Company, a leading … Continued
Missouri Press Association Announces Centennial Golf Classic
Proceeds to Benefit Refurbishment of MPA Student Lounge in Lee Hills Hall Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 14, 2008) — Golf enthusiasts will have a chance to tee-off the social side of the Missouri School of Journalism Centennial and Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute Dedication with the Missouri Press Association‘s Centennial Golf Classic. On Sept. 10-12, 2008, … Continued
Dvorkin Steps Down as CCJ Director
Washington, D.C. (July 2, 2007) — Jeffrey Dvorkin has stepped down as director of the Committee of Concerned Journalists, the consulting and training organization for the nation’s newsrooms. Bill Kovach, CCJ chairman and one of the founders of the organization, will step in as acting director. Dvorkin and Kovach said the change was the result … Continued
Dean Mills to Take a Year’s Break from Dean’s Responsibilities, Provost Announces
Esther Thorson to Serve as Acting Dean Columbia, Mo. (April 27, 2007) An Announcement from MU Provost Brian Foster to the Missouri School of Journalism Family Dean Mills has asked, after 18 years as dean of the School of Journalism, to take a year’s break from the day-to-day business of deaning and concentrate on planning for … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism Receives $590,000 Grant to Host Reynolds High School Journalism Institutes
Columbia, Mo. (April 16, 2007) — The American Society of Newspaper Editors and the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation has awarded the Missouri School of Journalism $590,000 over the next three years to host an innovative training program for high school journalism advisers nationwide. From July 8-20, the School will offer its first Reynolds High School Journalism … Continued
Missouri Journalism Announces Big Plans for Twin Celebration in 2008
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 12, 2007) — The Missouri School of Journalism today announced plans to celebrate the centennial of the School and the dedication of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. The festivities on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus are scheduled for Wednesday through Friday, Sept. 10-12, 2008. It was on Sept. 14, 1908, that … Continued