Decade: 2000-09
Jacqueline Kazil, BJ ’05, MA ’08
Jacqueline Kazil, BJ ’05, MA ’08, recently published Data Wrangling with Python, an entry-level textbook aimed at democratizing data science by teaching basic skills in the Python programming language. Kazil is a former Presidential Innovation Fellow and co-founded the government technology organization 18F. Her career has consisted of many data science and “wrangling” projects including … Continued
Mary (Barton) Knobbe, BJ ’00
Mary (Barton) Knobbe, BJ ’00, contributed a personal essay to the Dec. 14, 2016, edition of Narratively, an online literary platform. Knobbe is currently a travel writer for Maritz Travel and part of the River Pretty Writers community.
Jane Di Leo
Evenings at the Di Leo household were times of storytelling. Jane Di Leo, BJ ’05, MA ’06, and her sister listened to their dad regale them with tales about his childhood in a Chicago orphanage or make-believe stories about the rights and wrongs in life. When Di Leo wasn’t listening to her dad’s stories, she … Continued
Katie DeSplinter
Katie DeSplinter, BJ ’05, was fresh out of college when she decided to pack up her car and move from St. Charles, Missouri, to Los Angeles. Without an apartment or a single job interview lined up, DeSplinter drove 1,500 miles across the country simply to follow a dream. Her heart was set on a career … Continued
Lisa Griffin
Lisa Griffin, MA ’02, always has had an inquisitive mind. When her mother would read her a bedtime story, Griffin would stop her every few seconds to ask an in-depth question about the characters or plot, which were often so complicated that her mother couldn’t even come up with a sufficient answer. Before Griffin could … Continued
Emily Ann Brown
When Emily Ann Brown, BJ ’08, graduated from the Missouri School of Journalism, she had only the slightest understanding how significantly those formative four years would impact her life. Now the director of media and analytics at Elasticity, an integrated marketing agency in St. Louis, Brown gives credit for her early career success to her … Continued
Kevin Carlson, BJ ’03
Kevin Carlson, BJ ’03, has joined Visionworks Marketing Group in Columbia, Missouri, as an account manager.
Michaella Anne (Hammond) Thornton, BJ ’00
Michaella Anne (Hammond) Thornton, BJ ’00, participated in a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute fellowship in Providence, Rhode Island, for two weeks – July 20-July 31 – studying early American women’s history and archival research methods. She also was a finalist, for 2014 and 2015, for The Southeast Review’s World’s Best Short-Short Story … Continued
Tayo Oyedeji, PhD ’08
Tayo Oyedeji, PhD ’08, is the managing director/CEO of Starcom Media Perspectives, Nigeria’s No. 1 media advertising agency.
Coburn Dukehart
Coburn Dukehart, MA ’03, received her first camera when she was 10 – a brand new Yashica point-and-shoot. Armed with this mysterious and new, exciting piece of equipment, Dukehart set her sights on capturing a close-up of a pink flower she saw while vacationing in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Dukehart centered the bright petals glistening in … Continued