Sarah Smith-Frigerio Named Finalist for Campus Excellence Award

The Mick Deaver Memorial Award Recognizes Excellence in Student Relations
Columbia, Mo. (May 24, 2016) — Missouri School of Journalism Senior Academic Adviser Sarah Smith-Frigerio was named a finalist for the University of Missouri Mick Deaver Memorial Award for Student Relations Excellence. She works with doctoral and online master’s students in the School’s Graduate Studies office.
Smith-Frigerio was recognized during a May 23 awards ceremony during MU’s Staff Recognition Week. The award, The award, established by the Staff Advisory Council in 1980, honors a staff member who exemplifies Deaver’s concern for fostering good relations with students. Deaver was the associate director of the University Police Department at the time of his death in 1980 from an automobile accident.
Smith-Frigerio joined the School as an academic adviser on June 1, 2009. Jeremy Shermak, MA ’16, a graduate of the online master’s program, nominated Smith-Frigerio for the Deaver award. Additionally, another online master’s student, Cara Mahon, nominated her for the MU Excellence in Education award.
“I cannot begin to express how honored I feel to be nominated for these awards by our wonderful online master’s students,” Smith-Frigerio said.
Updated: September 25, 2020