Design of NewSunday Receives Award of Excellence
Columbia, Mo. (April 22, 2005) — The Columbia Missourian received an award of excellence for its redesign of the NewSunday section by the Society for News Design.

The organization’s 26th Annual Best of Newspaper Design competition honors excellence in design among newspapers of all sizes. The Missourian received an award of excellence in the category of redesign-overall newspaper. Other winners in the redesign category included the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, the Buffalo News and the Denver Post.
“A real newspaper redesign is as much about content as it is about presentation,” said Joy Mayer, the paper’s design editor. “NewSunday reflects the Missourian staff’s desire to produce a different kind of Sunday newspaper.”
The redesign occurred in 2004. Readers were invited to share feedback on prototypes of NewSunday. Missourian faculty, staff and students used this input to produce the final product. Most important to the redesign was the focus on a magazine-style layout, with an in-depth cover story and two new sections: Muse, covering arts, faith and health; and Play, covering sports from both the spectator and participant angles.
“As with everything we do here, students were involved in the redesign from start to finish,” said Mayer. “I’m so proud of the work they did in conjunction with faculty editors.”
Published six mornings a week and distributed throughout Columbia and the surrounding region, the Columbia Missourian is the working newspaper lab for students in news-editorial, design, information graphics and photojournalism. The Missourian was founded on Sept. 14, 1908, the same day classes began at the School of Journalism.
Updated: April 6, 2020