Patrick Fallon Named a Hearst National Photojournalism Semi-Finalist

Columbia, Mo. (April 26, 2010) — Patrick Fallon is one of 14 college photojournalism students who have been selected as semi-finalists in the 50th annual Hearst Journalism Awards Program.
Fallon, along with the other winners, will submit additional photo portfolios for the semi-final round of judging. The judges will evaluate the portfolios and select six finalists to participate in the program’s national championship to be held June 8-12 in New York City. During the championship, the six photo finalists along with finalists from other categories of the competition will complete spot news assignments, vying for additional scholarship awards of up to $5,000.
The photojournalism judges are: Ken Geiger, senior editor, technology/illustrations, National Geographic Magazine, Washington, D.C.; Michael C. Norseng, photo editor, Esquire Magazine, New York; Geri Migielicz, Story4, Ben Lomond, Calif.
Fallon was recently named the new student board representative for the National Press Photographers Association. A junior at the Missouri School of Journalism, he will be responsible for communicating the needs of the student photojournalism community to NPPA’s board of directors.
There are 110 universities with accredited undergraduate journalism schools eligible to participate in the Hearst Journalism Awards Program. The Journalism Awards Program, now in its 50th year, added photojournalism to the competition in 1970, and is funded and administered by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. The program awards up to $550,000 a year in scholarships, grants and stipends, and takes place under the auspices of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Updated: May 8, 2020