Missouri School of Journalism to Host Open House during MU’s Family Weekend
Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 13, 2011) — The Missouri School of Journalism will host an open house from 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 16, for students in journalism and their families. The event is held in conjunction with Family Weekend, sponsored by the University of Missouri.

A variety of self-guided activities will be available, and guests can pick up a list of options in 100 Reynolds Journalism Institute. Cookies and lemonade will be served. Areas include:
- Career Services, 76 Gannett
- Journalism Student Services, 76 Gannett
- Strategic Communication, first floor of Walter Williams Hall
- MOJO Ad, 140 Walter Williams Hall
- International Programs, 134 Neff Annex
- The Frank L. Martin Journalism Library, first floor of the Reynolds Journalism Institute
- Futures Lab, ground floor of the Reynolds Journalism Institute
- Columbia Missourian, second floor of Lee Hills Hall
- Vox magazine, second floor of Lee Hills Hall
- Global Journalist, located in 043 Walter Williams
- KOMU-TV, located about 5 miles south of Columbia on Hwy. 63
- KBIA-FM, located on the 4th floor of Jesse Hall
Visit the MU Office of Parent Relations website for more information about Family Weekend.
Updated: June 4, 2020