Fall 2016 @Mizzou: Strategic Communication Students Strategize Mizzou Athletics Campaign

Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 21, 2016) — As part of her Sports and Entertainment Promotion course, senior Maddy Siriouthay meets with some of her teammates to discuss strategy for a campaign they are working on for Mizzou’s athletic department. Their objective is to rebrand Mizzou Made as the “new” Total Persons Program for current and future Mizzou athletes.
The first step for Siriouthay’s team is to prepare and distribute a research survey to Mizzou athletes to gauge their perceptions of the current Mizzou Made and Total Persons Program. The results will help them focus on the how the program develops student athletes in the areas of athletics, academics and community service. At the end of the semester, Siriouthay’s team and others working on the same project will present their campaigns to the athletic department. From there, the students’ ideas might be implemented. “It’s really cool to work one-on-one with a client,” Siriouthay says. “There’s a real chance they could implement the plans we create within a year.” Photo story by Maris Smith.
Updated: October 9, 2020