Associate Professor Tim Vos Awarded 2019 MU Graduate Faculty Mentor Award

Associate Professor Tim P. Vos has won the prestigious MU Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, which includes a $1,500 honorarium and is given in recognition of the outstanding mentoring relationships a faculty adviser has developed with graduate students.
Award Recognizes Outstanding Mentoring Relationships an Adviser Develops with Graduate Students
Columbia, Mo. (May 3, 2019) — Tim Vos, associate professor of journalism studies and the Wallace Turner Faculty Fellow at the Missouri School of Journalism, has been awarded the University of Missouri Graduate Faculty Mentor award. The award qualifies Vos as the MU nominee for the Conference of the Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS) Outstanding Mentor Award.
“It’s been enormously rewarding to work with such terrific master’s and doctoral students here at Missouri,” says Vos. “I’m pleased to have received this award because I think it means I’ve helped a lot of students achieve their goals.”
The MU Graduate Faculty Mentor Award recognizes the mentoring relationship a graduate faculty adviser has developed with graduate students. The prestigious, university-wide award comes with a $1,500 honorarium.
“The work Tim has done as a member of the Journalism Studies faculty has been outstanding,” says Earnest Perry, dean of graduate studies. “His work mentoring students in our master’s and doctoral program has increased the stature of MU and the School of Journalism.”
According to Perry, 22 master’s students have completed their degrees thanks to Vos’s skilled mentorship. Vos has also served on an additional 22 doctoral committees and 51 master’s committees.
“Tim is one of the most productive faculty members on our staff,” Perry says. “Beyond his work with current graduate students, he has been instrumental in helping journalism doctoral students obtain faculty positions, many at Research-I universities.”
Vos, who joined the Journalism Studies faculty in 2008, teaches courses in principles of journalism, journalism history, media sociology and qualitative research methods in journalism. His research explores the roles of journalism, media sociology and gatekeeping, media history, and media policy. He is co-author, co-editor, or editor of four books. His work has examined how change has happened in print, broadcast, and digital news, public relations, and advertising. Vos is the lead U.S. investigator for three international comparative projects and co-editor for the forthcoming Wiley-Blackwell International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies.
Vos currently serves as vice president of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), the field’s leading research, teaching, and service organization, and will become president of the association in 2020. He is former vice-chair of the AEJMC Standing Committee on Research and former head of AEJMC’s History Division.
Updated: November 9, 2020