Ron Osborne

Ron Osborne

Playwright BJ '62 (Advertising)
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Jim Overbay

News Manager (Retired) BJ '59
Georgia O’Brien Patrick

Georgia O’Brien Patrick

President BJ '67 (News-Editorial)
Vince Patton

Vince Patton

Producer (Retired) BJ '85
Pat Patton

Pat Patton

Retired Vice President and Station Manager MA '71
Ken Paulson

Ken Paulson

President and Dean BJ '75
Elizabeth Pearson

Elizabeth Pearson

BJ 2003
David “Scoop” Peery

David “Scoop” Peery

Retired Owner, Editor and Publisher BJ '64 (News-Editorial)
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Alicia Peirce

Assistant Account Executive BJ '10
Taylor Pensoneau

Taylor Pensoneau

Founder and Contributing Author BJ '62
Merrill Perlman

Merrill Perlman

Freelance Editor, Trainer, Consultant BJ '74
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W. Brent Phillips

Director of Marketing and Advertising BJ '90