Missouri Method
2016-17 Awards, Honors and Recognitions
Often called “the Pulitzers of college journalism,” the Hearst program holds year-long competitions in writing, photojournalism, broadcast news and multimedia for journalism undergraduates. Missouri Journalism Students and Faculty Earn More Than 590 Awards, Honors and Other Recognitions During Recent Academic Year Columbia, Mo. (July 31, 2017) — Missouri School of Journalism students, faculty and staff … Continued
97 Percent of 2016 Missouri Journalism Graduates Are Working or in Graduate School
In a survey of 2016 Missouri School of Journalism graduates, 97 percent said they have jobs or are in graduate school; respondents are working in 26 states and the District of Columbia. The Annual Survey Represents a Cross-Section of Students from All Undergraduate Emphasis Areas Columbia, Mo. (July 31, 2017) — In a survey of … Continued
Humans of Strat Comm: Emmie Madsen
Columbia, Mo. (June 8, 2017) — Emmie Madsen, a junior in strategic communication, never believed that studying abroad would change her life. In fact, the idea of leaving her Mizzou comfort zone for an entire semester left her apprehensive about taking the trip at all. However, from the time she clocked in at her internship … Continued
2 Journalism Students Win Writing, Art Awards in ‘Rewriting Realities’ Contest
Sarah Sabatke and Craig White The Contest Was Created to Encourage Creative Exploration on the Issue of Identity By Yue Tang Columbia, Mo. (May 9, 2017) — Two Missouri School of Journalism students have been named winners in the “Rewriting Realities” art and writing contest hosted by the University of Missouri Multicultural Certificate office. The … Continued
Inside Sports: Missouri School of Journalism
Columbia, Mo. (May 9, 2017) — Check out the behind-the-scenes sports action of Missouri students as they report, photograph, film, edit, share, create and more for the school’s professional news outlets and agencies, national publications as well as campus media. Opportunities are available for all years in school, freshmen through senior. Follow us on Twitter … Continued
Radio Reporting Lab Offers New Learning Opportunity for Journalism Students
At top, undergraduate and graduate advanced reporters from across the journalism school worked together on radio feature stories aired on KBIA. At bottom, graduate students Erin McKinstry, left, and Catherine Wheeler edit together during a lab. The Course Helps Students Add Audio Skills to Their Reporting Tool Kits Columbia, Mo. (May 9, 2017) — Radio-focused … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism Earns National Accreditation
Missouri is one of just a handful of schools that has been continuously accredited since the voluntary self-assessment and external review process began in the late 1940s. Only 113 journalism and mass communication programs in the U.S. are accredited. The Report Noted ‘the School Continues to Be One of the Best Programs in the Country’ … Continued
Inside Sports: Missouri School of Journalism
At the Missouri School of Journalism, students have many media outlets available to cover all aspects of sports. (Photos: Lexi Churchill.) Check out what students are covering, photographing, filming, editing and sharing, as well as creating for strategic communication clients. The sports journalists represent all years in school, from freshman on up. For updates on … Continued
Inside Sports: Missouri School of Journalism
Columbia, Mo. (April 18, 2017) — Check out the behind-the-scenes sports action of Missouri students as they report, photograph, film, edit and share, create and more for the school’s professional news outlets and agencies, national publications as well as campus media. Opportunities are available for all years in school, freshmen through senior. Follow us on … Continued
KOMU Student’s Story on School Choice Takes Her to Indiana for Research
Senior Abby Breidenbach traveled to Evansville, Indiana, to hear from people who live in a state where school choice is a reality; Indiana has one of the largest voucher programs in the country. Abby Breidenbach Shared How This National Issue Has Affected a State Where the Voucher Program Is Already in Place By Yue Tang … Continued