Kelsey Allen Places in Top Ten of Hearst College Feature Writing Competition

Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 30, 2009) — Missouri School of Journalism student Kelsey Allen placed in the top ten in the college feature writing category at the 50th annual William Randolph Hearst Foundation‘s Journalism Awards Program held in San Francisco recently. She receives a $500 scholarship, and a matching grant will be given to the school. Allen’s … Continued

Student-Developed iPhone News Application Ranked in Top Five on iTunes after Launch

By Angela Hamilton Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 19, 2009) — An iPhone application co-developed by a Missouri School of Journalism student recently became the fifth highest-rated news application on the iTunes store in the week following its launch. Journalism student Tony Brown and Peng Zhuang, a doctoral student in computer programming, created the application … Continued

Recruiters from Top Media Companies Participate in Recent Career Fair

Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 16, 2009) — The Missouri School of Journalism hosted recruiters and employees from several high-powered media organizations at its fall career fair. The fair, which was held in Stotler Lounge of Memorial Union, was organized by the Career Services office in the journalism school and featured a morning session with faculty about … Continued

Washington Program Students Gain Professional Experience, Networking Contacts

By Joan Niesen Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 16, 2009) — Each semester, the Missouri School of Journalism sends both graduate and undergraduate students to Washington, D.C., to complete professional and other work projects. This fall, as always, the students are making their mark upon the District of Columbia and refining their journalism skills. The … Continued

Student Work Recognized in Statewide Competition

The Columbia Missourian Wins 28 Awards in the 2009 Missouri Press Association Better Newspaper Contest By Angela Hamilton Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 2, 2009) — The Columbia Missourian received 28 awards – including seven first-place winners – in the 2009 Missouri Press Association‘s Better Newspaper Contest. The winners were announced during the recent 143rd … Continued

Master’s Student Boris Korby Awarded David Kaplan Memorial Fellowship, Will Intern at ABC Washington News Bureau

By Joan Niesen Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 26, 2009) — Boris Korby, a second-year master’s student at the Missouri School of Journalism, was awarded the David Kaplan Memorial Fellowship, which will provide him with a spring internship at the ABC News Washington Bureau. The fellowship, which was created in 1993 by Sam Donaldson of … Continued

Summer Program in Prague Offers Strategic Communication Students an Opportunity to Work with Nestlé, McCann Erickson and Charles University Students

By Angela Hamilton Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 8, 2009) — Eight Missouri School of Journalism students worked alongside nine students from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, to develop an integrated strategic communication campaign for the global giant nutrition and health company Nestlé. The group’s project focused on introducing a popular powdered cocoa mix, … Continued

Journalism Students Load Up on Science; Now the Reporting Begins

By Steve Veile Project Manager, Biotech University Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 2, 2009) — A dedicated group of Missouri School of Journalism students toughed out a weekend filled with the science, business and political implications of biotechnology as the first step in a reporting competition. The carrot? An all-expense paid blogging trip to Europe next year. … Continued

School Welcomes 58 Walter Williams Scholars, High-Achieving Students Who Have Earned at Least a 33 on the ACT

By Joan Niesen Master’s Student Missouri School of Journalism Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 15, 2009) — The Missouri School of Journalism welcomed 58 Walter Williams Scholars during a special ceremony on Sept. 3 in the Fred W. Smith Forum at the Reynolds Journalism Institute. Top row, from left: Krystin Arneson, Taylor Bartlett, Leah Beane, Zachary Boesch, … Continued

Kyle Stokes Earns a National Mark of Excellence Award from the Society of Professional Journalists

By Joan Niesen Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 19, 2009) — Kyle Stokes, a junior in the convergence journalism program at the Missouri School of Journalism, will receive a 2008 national Mark of Excellence Award at the Society of Professional Journalists‘ upcoming convention. The award program strives to identify and honor young journalists and their … Continued