Missouri School of Journalism students elected MSA President and Vice President

Juniors Landon Brickey and Emily Smith were inaugurated on April 6; they plan to use their strategic communication skills to convey what resources MSA has at its disposal. By Abby Werner Columbia, Mo. (May 11, 2021) — Two Missouri School of Journalism students  have been elected to lead the University of Missouri student body. Juniors … Continued

Rashi Shrivastava receives $6,500 Carol Loomis Scholarship for Business Reporting

Graduate student said Carol Loomis articles inspired her interest in magazine journalism and long-form writing By Jennifer Nelson-Pallikkathayil Columbia, Mo. (May 10, 2021) — Missouri School of Journalism graduate student Rashi Shrivastava of Pune, India, BJ ‘19, received a $6,500 Carol Loomis Scholarship for Business Reporting. Carol Loomis, BJ ‘51, started the annual scholarship that … Continued

KBIA-FM wins 5 prestigious 2021 RTDNA Regional Edward R. Murrow awards

By Nate Brown Columbia, Mo. (May 6, 2021) — The Radio and Television Digital News Association today awarded KBIA-FM five Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards for its work as a small-market radio station in Region 5. These awards recognize the best electronic journalism produced by radio, television and online news organizations around the world. “The … Continued

Junior Skylar Laird receives the $2,000 Jerry Heaster Scholarship in Business Journalism

Professor helps young journalist uncover interest in business reporting By Jennifer Nelson-Pallikkathayil Columbia, Mo. (May 5, 2021) — Missouri School of Journalism junior Skylar Laird is a 2021 recipient of the $2,000 Jerry Heaster Scholarship in Business Journalism. She is studying journalism with an emphasis in print and digital news reporting. Jerry Heaster was an … Continued

The coronavirus pandemic creates opportunities for School of Journalism AdZou capstone class innovation

By Zach Taylor Columbia, Mo. (May 5, 2020) — The Missouri School of Journalism students aren’t the only ones learning — its professors are learning, too. Todd Fuller, adjunct professor, prefers to teach in-person. He teaches graduating seniors taking the School’s capstone course AdZou, where they work in small teams to bring fresh perspectives to their … Continued

Documentary Journalism students premiere their films at Stronger Than Fiction Film Festival on May 10-11

The films are the culmination of two years of work. Columbia, Mo. (May 3, 2021) — After a virtual-only outing last year, the Missouri School of Journalism’s Jonathan B. Murray Center for Documentary Journalism’s fifth annual Stronger Than Fiction Film Festival is back for 2021 in both in-person and virtual forms.  The in-person movie screenings will be … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism junior Mac McMullan named 2021 Cherng Summer Scholar

Rising MU junior receives $7,000 and access to research expense account By Jennifer Nelson-Pallikkathayil Columbia, Mo. (May 3, 2021) — Missouri School of Journalism junior Mac McMullan of Kennett, Missouri, was named a 2021 Cherng Summer Scholar, one of the University of Missouri’s most prestigious and ambitious summer research and artistry programs.  The program is … Continued

A glimpse into the ‘YAYA’ during the COVID-19 pandemic

Because of the pandemic, this year’s State of the YAYA Report, prepared by the University of Missouri School of Journalism’s professional advertising agency, will be like no other report before it. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than a year’s worth of unprecedented events in the lives of today’s 18- to 24-year-olds, disrupting their formative … Continued