Missouri Method modernizes with journalism school curriculum overhaul

The School – often referred to as The World’s Journalism School – proudly celebrates Dean Walter Williams launching the first professional journalism school 111 years ago. Republished by permission of RTDNA By Steven Ackermann Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 4, 2019) — This semester’s incoming journalism students at the University of Missouri are enrolled in nearly 50 … Continued

Two Missouri School of Journalism students selected for AAF’s 2020 ‘Most Promising Multicultural Students Program’

Recently honored by the American Advertising Federation, Missouri strategic communication seniors Tyler Jones and Adrianna Talavera are among 50 of the most high-potential advertising talent in the country. Recipients considered “50 of the most high-potential advertising talent in the country” By Jennifer Nelson Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 4, 2019) — Two Missouri School of Journalism students … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism to recognize 128 students at Dec. 13 commencement

The alumna speaker for the School of Journalism’s Dec. 13 commencement ceremony will be Sarah Copeland, BJ ’99. The student speaker will be Lindsey Wilkerson with Jennifer Fowler serving as master of ceremonies. Ceremony scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. in Jesse Auditorium. Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 3, 2019) — The Missouri School of Journalism will … Continued

Li Yang awarded University of Missouri 2019 International Engagement Award

Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 22, 2019) — Li Yang, who assists dozens of undergraduate students earning dual (“2+2”) degrees from the Missouri School of Journalism and top universities in China, received the University of Missouri 2019 International Engagement Award for outstanding staff contribution. The award recognizes meaningful and sustained commitments to international work, whether directly on … Continued

High school students learn how to tell their stories about science and agriculture

More than 250 students from Missouri high schools attended an MU-sponsored career awareness day entitled “Communicating News about Science and Agriculture” held Nov. 15 at the Litton Agri-Science Learning Center in Chillicothe. Career awareness day brings in 250 students, teachers from 24 schools from across the state; event co-hosted by the J-School. By Jennifer Nelson … Continued

Missouri doctoral student studies impact of Chinese anti-corruption movement news on college students

Doctoral student Lei Guo’s research led her to conclude that the anti-corruption movement in China was influential because “it went far deeper and lasted far longer than anyone could imagine.” Many students believed mass media would be more influential on others; only 30 percent had good understanding of anti-corruption movement. By Jennifer Nelson Columbia, Mo. … Continued

Mizzou Alumni Association honors two Journalism faculty and two alumni with Faculty-Alumni Awards

The recognition celebrates outstanding service and professional accomplishments. Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 14, 2019) — Two Missouri School of Journalism faculty and two alumni are among the 12 that will be honored by the Mizzou Alumni Association (MAA) during its annual Faculty-Alumni Awards ceremony on Nov. 15 at the Reynolds Alumni Center. Professor Margaret Duffy is … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Strategic Communication students attend Publicis Multicultural Talent Pipeline conference

Missouri strategic communication seniors Jennifer Fowler and Adrianna Talavera traveled to Atlanta Oct. 16-18 to attend the Publicis Multicultural Talent Pipeline. Seniors Jennifer Fowler and Adrianna Talavera network, come away inspired by event. By Jerry Duggan Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 8, 2019) — Senior Missouri School of Journalism Strategic Communication students Jennifer Fowler and Adrianna Talavera … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Senior Carly Berthiaume gains experience with internship at Alzheimer’s Association

Missouri senior Carly Berthaiume brought a great deal of personal experience to her summer internship with the Tennessee Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association in Nashville. Berthiaume was the first-ever communications and marketing intern for the Alzheimer’s Association Tennessee Chapter. By Jerry Duggan Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 8, 2019) — Alzheimer’s disease was something senior Carly Berthiaume … Continued

Journalism professors equip students with science and information literacy skills

J-School faculty Sara Shipley Hiles and Katherine Reed teamed up with Peter Tipton, professor at the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources to offer a new interdisciplinary class entitled, “Manipulation and Misrepresentation of Science: Combating Threats to Democracy.” Interdisciplinary class serves as model for other educators, findings shared in recent research paper By … Continued