Journalists, Legal Experts Wrangle with the First Amendment and Social Media

At top right, Brian Stelter, chief media correspondent for CNN Worldwide and anchor of “Reliable Sources,” delivers the 2019 Missouri–Hurley and Price Sloan Symposium keynote address. At bottom, Curtis B. Hurley Chair in Public Affairs Journalism and event organizer Barbara Cochran and Missouri Journalism Dean David Kurpius listen attentively. Discussion Took Place in Washington D.C. … Continued

KBIA-FM, KOMU-TV Win 8 Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards

Network affiliates – and working laboratories for Missouri Journalism students – KBIA-FM and KOMU-TV were awarded a total of eight prestigious Edward R. Murrow Awards by the Radio and Television Digital News Association, recognizing the best electronic journalism produced by radio, television and online news organizations around the world. The Radio and Television Digital News … Continued

15 Journalism Students, 1 Professor Inducted into Secret Societies during Annual Tap Day

Members of Mizzou’s secret societies are “tapped” (chosen) based on academic performance, extracurricular activities, scholarship, leadership and service. Top row, left to right: Emily Aiken, Megan Brenneke, Mitchell Davis, Shoshana Dubnow, Maddie Dunkman. Middle row: Holly Enowski, Simone Esters, Mel Frieders, Catherine Hoffman, Jasmine-Kay Johnson. Bottom row: Blythe Nebeker, Jeannette Porter, John Pottebaum, Matt Schmittdiel. … Continued

Graduate Student Dan Schwartz is 2019 Smith/Patterson Science Journalism Fellow

Master’s student Dan Schwartz is the winner of the 2019 Smith/Patterson Science Journalism Fellowship. Schwartz will use the fellowship to pursue a story in Peru examining Andean communities’ cultural connection with glaciers. Schwartz Will Report on How Andean Communities in Peru Are Adapting to Climate Change and the Loss of Glaciers Columbia, Mo. (April 24, … Continued

Associate Professor Emeritus Clyde Bentley Completes Fulbright Specialist Fellowship

Emeritus Associate Professor Clyde Bentley with some of his students at the University of Ljubljana in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Six-Week Program Had Bentley Teaching Journalism Students at University of Ljubljana in Slovenia Columbia, Mo. (April 24, 2019) — Missouri School of Journalism Emeritus Associate Professor Clyde Bentley recently completed a six-week Fulbright Specialist fellowship at the … Continued

Professor Emeritus receives distinguished service to broadcast journalism award

In recognition of his 50-plus year career as reporter, producer, anchor, newsroom manager, professor and consultant, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication has named Professor Emeritus Kent Collins as the 2019 recipient of the Edward L. Bliss Award for distinguished service to broadcast journalism education. Kent Collins named Edward L. Bliss award … Continued

DC Symposium to Discuss Social Media and the First Amendment

The Missouri-Hurley Price Sloan symposium “Free Speech, Free Press or Free for All? Social Media and the First Amendment” will be held on Thursday, April 25, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Brian Stelter, chief media correspondent for CNN Worldwide, is the scheduled keynote speaker. Barbara Cochran, … Continued

Journalism Professor named Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Advertising

Shelly Rodgers, professor of strategic communication, is the third woman and first individual from Mizzou to serve as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Advertising, a quarterly, peer-reviewed international academic journal covering advertising theories and their relationship with practice. Shelly Rodgers to serve three-year term. Columbia, Mo. (April 16, 2019) — Shelly Rodgers, professor of strategic … Continued

Missouri Journalism Master’s Student Chosen for Global Ethics Fellowship

Master’s student Alexis Allison is one of 14 journalism students from around the world chosen to participate in the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics this summer from May 25 through June 7. Alexis Allison Joins Groundbreaking Program for Journalism Students and Early-Career Journalists New York (April 11, 2019) — Alexis Allison, … Continued