Jake Meister Talks Sports Journalism

Columbia, Mo. (April 19, 2018) — Jake Meister is studying abroad in London right now, but once he returns, an internship awaits him in Ashburn, Virginia. Meister, a strategic communication major, will work for the Washington Redskins as a digital media intern this summer. A Highland Park, Ill., native, Meister is working for a company … Continued

Alumni Profile: Dylan Connell

Columbia, Mo. (April 18, 2018) — With graduation approaching, strategic communication students are doing all they can to stand out to employers. Strategic communication alumnus Dylan Connell remembers that feeling all too well about how hard he worked to develop his professional skills. “Become an expert on a useful topic. It could be anything,” Connell … Continued

“Thanks for attending class today. Here’s your free laptop.”

By Nate Brown Reynolds Journalism Institute Columbia, Mo. (April 11, 2018) — Wednesday, April 11, was not the day to miss Professor Tom Warhover‘s Advanced News Reporting class. Today’s guest speaker was Greg Miller (BJ ’05), co-founder of Kinda Funny, who told students “how Mizzou made me.” Miller said he wanted to write about video … Continued

Journalists, Legal Experts Acknowledge Challenges of Truth, Trust and the First Amendment in Trump Era

Speakers and panelists at this year’s “Truth, Trust and the First Amendment in the Digital Age” (from left to right) included Clarence Page, Chicago Tribune; Barbara Cochran, Missouri School of Journalism; Chris Buskirk, American Greatness; Mary-Rose Papandrea, University of North Carolina School of Law; RonNell Anderson Jones, University of Utah College of Law; Floyd Abrams, … Continued

Advertising Industry Legend John Zweig to Give Solomon Lecture

Columbia, Mo. (April 4, 2018) — WPP Chairman and CEO and former Procter and Gamble brand manager John Zweig will deliver the 2018 Raymond M. Solomon Memorial Lecture at the Fred Smith Forum in the Reynolds Journalism Institute on April 10 at 2 p.m. Zweig will discuss topics in the industry ranging from leadership, creativity … Continued

Danny Rosenberg Wins ADDY Award for Copywriting

Columbia, Mo. (April 3, 2018) — Strategic communication senior Danny Rosenberg recently won a Silver ADDY Award in the student category for copywriting from the Kansas City American Advertising Federation (AAF) for his advertising work with Slack, a professional communication platform, which he did as part of the Creative Portfolio class. “I was really excited … Continued