Ann Friedman

By Elizabeth Gower About to graduate from the Missouri School of Journalism with a magazine journalism emphasis, Ann Friedman, BJ ’04, faced a fork in the road, unsure of which path to take. It was the early 2000s, and digital technologies were in their pioneer days. Not enough was known about these new tools to … Continued

Dana Brzozkiewicz

What do you do? I manage the communications efforts for the broadband product team at Broadcom. Broadcom is a technology company based in southern California that drives connectivity in today’s devices like smart phones, set-top boxes and data centers. I write and edit the product group’s press releases, presentations (speaking and corporate), blog posts, contributed … Continued

Kenneth Ulrich

What do you do? I’ve been retired from the public relations business since 2009. Except for my first year out of Mizzou with a newspaper job in suburban Chicago, the rest of my 41-year career was spent in public relations. From 1969 to 1994 I worked for public relations agencies, the in-house PR staffs of … Continued

Wayne Freedman

On a hot day in August 1977, Wayne Freedman flew halfway across the country to fight for his spot in the Missouri School of Journalism’s graduate program. Freedman, whose book is now a staple in broadcast journalism programs throughout the country, had already been denied twice because his undergraduate grades were not up to the … Continued

David L. Smith

Dave L. Smith had a conversation with his dad about his future one day. His father looked at him and asked, “What kind of job do you get with an English degree?” Smith’s father, the first person in the family to attend college, had some ideas about what a degree should do for a person. … Continued

Stewart Weiner

Stewart Weiner, BJ ’67, is a man who loves to write. “How lucky I am to get up every morning and be a writer,” Weiner says. “I would never want to do another job.” His time at Writer’s Digest magazine, Playboy Enterprises, Los Angeles Magazine, California Magazine, TV Guide and Season in the Sun Magazine … Continued

Bill Wright

How did you get started in your career? I went to school at Mizzou and wanted to get into the news-editorial sequence. My adviser, Jim Albright, steered me into the advertising sequence. He saw my writing style and thought it would be better suited to the advertising industry. I am really indebted to him for … Continued

Brad Whitworth

What do you do? I’m senior communication manager for the emerging solutions group at Cisco in San Jose, California. The job involves a great mix of communication skills: writing speeches, planning Web content, publishing a book, counseling senior managers on presentation skills. How did you get your job? Networking. I’ve been extremely active in the … Continued

Grace Voss

What do you do? I am a retired high school English teacher who spent 15 months in 1965-66 as a reporter for the Palo Alto (Calif.) Times. Teaching lasted longer, 34 years in fact, and I am now retired and living in Santa Cruz, a town of 60,000 residents located at the north end of … Continued