Magazine Club Visits 16 Magazines in New York
Columbia, Mo. (March 6, 2009) — Twenty members of the Magazine Club at the Missouri School of Journalism, along with magazine journalism professors Steve Weinberg and Michael Grinfeld, traveled to New York on a recent trip to visit the offices of 16 magazines.

The students discussed the business of producing a publication, the job market and internship prospects with editors and writers. Participants paid their own expenses, and Magazine Club members set up the group’s agenda before arriving in New York City.
Weinberg said that the group was received well among all the magazines they visited, which included Blender, Budget Travel, Entertainment Weekly, ESPN, Fitness, Food Network, Glamour, Gourmet, GQ, People, Real Simple, Redbook, Saveur, Spin, US Weekly and W.
Magazine Club President Lauren Stine said that while visiting the magazines, she learned how important it is to prepare for a magazine career while in school.
“Pitch stories to magazines, have internships, work for your school paper, and do freelance designing,” she said. “Your first internship doesn’t have to be for a national magazine in NYC for it to matter, you have to start somewhere, and that usually means somewhere small.”
The group spoke with one or more graduates of the School working for Budget Travel, ESPN, Glamour and People.
“I really enjoyed the opportunity to speak with Mizzou alumni,” Stine said. “It helped to boost my confidence in myself and in our J-School. It’s reassuring to see that professional journalists, even those who are not Mizzou alumni, are willing to help young journalists jump-start their career.”
Updated: April 30, 2020