Journalism Books by Davis, Heiman Recognized at MU Campus Authors Event
Columbia, Mo. (May 18, 2011) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty members Charles Davis and Suzette Heiman were among the 34 University of Missouri professors recognized at the recent annual Campus Authors event sponsored by the University Bookstore.

The activity took place in conjunction with the University of Missouri’s Celebration of Teaching workshop, which featured nationally recognized experts, a reception to honor the Mizzou Professor of the Year Award nominees and concurrent discussions on topics relating to teaching and learning.
Davis co-authored with David Cuillier “The Art of Access: Strategies for Acquiring Public Records” (CQ Press College). The book is designed to help journalists rethink the information-gathering process and develop a document state of mind. Davis, an associate professor, serves as a member of the Journalism Studies faculty and facilitator of the “Media of the Future Initiative” for Mizzou Advantage.
Heiman edited “The J-School: Celebrating One Hundred Years in Journalism and the Reynolds Journalism Institute Dedication” (Donning), the hardcover commemorative book celebrating the first century in journalism education at the Missouri School of Journalism and the dedication of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute. A professor, she is a member of the Strategic Communication faculty and serves as the director of planning and communications at the School.
Updated: June 2, 2020