School’s Photojournalists Win Third Place in ‘Best Use of Photography’ National Competition
Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 5, 2012) — A story and photographs by Missouri School of Journalism photojournalism student Nick Agro, with help from photo editor Ally Appelbaum and page designer Jason Brynsvold, earned third place in the “Picture Page” category of the quarterly National Press Photographers Association competition. The contest evaluates newspaper clips and is judged by NPPA members.
The students’ story, “Flight School,” was an installment in the Boone Life photo column, which published in the Columbia Missourian on March 27. The judges made special mention of how the “nice dominant image captured the reader’s attention.” The clip placed behind two submitted by The Virginian-Pilot. Assistant Professor Brian Kratzer is the director of photography for the Missourian.
Other publications that won in this quarterly contest included The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post and The Palm Beach Post.
Entries were judged at Brooks Institute Santa Barbara/Ventura, Calif., by Gail Fisher, department chair in the School of Film/Communications; and Nomi Morris, program chair, and Paul Myers and Joe Gosen, faculty, of the Visual Journalism Program.

Updated: June 10, 2020