Senior Ruth Serven Wins Pulliam Fellowship with the Indianapolis Star

Senior Ruth Serven is a 2017 winner of the prestigious Pulliam Fellowship, which includes a paid 10-week internship.
The Prestigious Program Offers a Paid 10-Week Internship for Summer 2017
By Yue Tang
Columbia, Mo. (Jan 24, 2017) — Missouri School of Journalism senior Ruth Serven is a winner of the highly selective Pulliam Journalism Fellowship for summer 2017.
The Pulliam Fellowship is a paid fellowship that places college students into the newsrooms of the Indianapolis Star and the Arizona Republic. Interns are members of the newsroom, receive mentorship and gain valuable journalism skills over the course of 10 weeks.
Serven will report for the Indy Star, a morning daily newspaper that began publishing on June 6, 1903. The publication has twice won the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting, in 1975 and 1991. It is currently owned by the Gannett Company, the nation’s largest newspaper chain.
“I’m looking forward to exploring Indianapolis and learning more about day-to-day reporting,” said Serven, who eventually would like to work for a metro paper. “I’m excited to practice my writing, interviewing and media skills, as well as gain an on-the-ground understanding of the everyday operations of a media company.”
Serven is studying investigative journalism at the School, with a minor in Medieval and Renaissance studies. Originally from Oklahoma City, she has written for the Oklahoman, the Columbia Missourian, Vox Magazine and the Kansas City Star.
Updated: October 13, 2020