Missouri Method
Four Missouri Journalism Students Win Scholarships in Hearst Foundation Journalism Competition
First-Place Honors Earned in News/Sports Photojournalism and Sportswriting Competitions Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 27, 2007) — Four Missouri Journalism students recently received top honors from two Hearst Journalism Awards competitions. Seniors Ben Fredman and John Tully won first and ninth places, respectively, in the news/sports photojournalism competition. Senior Jenifer Langosch took first place in the sportswriting competition … Continued
New Partnership with Meredith Corporation Creates Professional Opportunity for Magazine Journalism Students
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 14, 2007) — The Meredith Corporation of Des Moines, Iowa, is putting the design and planning skills of 36 magazine journalism students from the Missouri School of Journalism to the test. Meredith, one of the nation’s leading media and marketing companies, publishes 26 subscription magazines, including Better Homes and Gardens and Ladies Home … Continued
Vogue Venture
MU Freshman Casey Lewis’ Interest in Style Led Her to Create a Fashion Blog Missouri journalism freshman Casey Lewis has already managed to break into the fashion writing world without getting coffee and answering phones, the method popularized in the recent best-selling book and hit movie “The Devil Wears Prada.” As the creator and editor … Continued
Journalism Graduate Students Take Advantage of Opportunities at Recent Society of Environmental Journalists Conference
Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 7, 2006) — Opportunity is epidemic for graduate students at the Missouri School of Journalism. The symptoms can be subtle (networking) or obvious (e-mails), but the variables inevitably line up, and the students have an infectious urge to participate in career-building activities. That’s what happened to graduate students Rebecca Townsend and Traci … Continued
Freshmen Tackle iLife Challenge, Learn Career-Building Multimedia Skills
Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 6, 2006) — Hundreds of University of Missouri students, faculty and staff members recently filled Bush Auditorium in Cornell Hall for the awards presentation of the third annual Freshman iLife Challenge, a multimedia contest designed by the Missouri School of Journalism. The Challenge, sponsored by the School of Journalism, the Colleges of … Continued
RTNDA Student Members Visit Kansas City Television Stations
Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 15, 2006) — Seventeen members of the Radio Television News Directors Association (RTNDA) student chapter at the Missouri School of Journalism had the opportunity to learn about news operations at two Kansas City television stations during a recent trip. The visits allowed students to compare the real-world media experience they receive as part of … Continued
Collaborative Merge of KBIA, KOMU and the Missourian Newsrooms Creates a New Convergence Experience for Students
By Alexandra Rampy Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 10, 2006) — Missouri Journalism students and faculty from all areas of study recently participated in a groundbreaking convergence project called “Smart Decision,” a multimedia Web site that provided in-depth coverage of the 2006 state and local mid-term elections. Smart Decision, which launched earlier this semester, gave students across all … Continued
Convergence Project Helps Magazine Journalism Students Learn Radio Skills
By Katie Costello Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 31, 2006) — When Katy June-Friesen signed up for Mary Kay Blakely‘s advanced writing class at the Missouri School of Journalism, she had no idea that she would be producing a broadcast feature for KBIA, the University of Missouri’s National Public Radio member station. Students in Blakely’s and Berkley Hudson‘s advanced writing classes write … Continued
“Fall Welcome” Serves Up Journalism Possibilities, Tiger Stripe Ice Cream
By Alexandra Rampy Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 11, 2006) — Another opportunity for freshman students to enjoy free Tiger Stripe ice cream came recently as faculty and upperclassmen presented various journalism opportunities at “Fall Welcome.” Representatives from journalism-related organizations and programs gathered at Peace Park, sharing the scoop on ways for incoming freshmen to develop their journalism … Continued
Magazine Students Win Five Awards at AEJMC
By Brenda Escobar Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 29, 2006) — Vox magazine and a magazine publishing class took home five awards in the 2006 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Student Magazine Contest. The awards were presented during a special ceremony at the group’s annual meeting held recently in San Francisco. Vox magazine won first place in … Continued