News Releases
Professor Emeritus Keith Sanders Steps Down as Kappa Tau Alpha Executive Director
Keith Sanders has stepped down as the executive director of Kappa Tau Alpha; his successor is Beverly Horvit. Assistant Professor Beverly Horvit Now Serves in This Role Columbia, Mo. (April 4, 2017) — Missouri School of Journalism Professor Emeritus Keith Sanders has stepped down as the executive director of Kappa Tau Alpha, journalism’s national honor … Continued
Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russian Poet and Author of ‘The Lead Honorarium,’ Dies
The New York Times reported the death of Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko on Saturday, April 1. Yevtushenko performed “The Lead Honorarium,” a poem he wrote in honor of the 2008 centennial of the Missouri School of Journalism and the dedication of the new Reynolds Journalism Institute. The poem was dedicated to five courageous Russian journalists, … Continued
Goldberg Lecturer to Examine Communications Between Patients and Their Doctors
Dr. Danielle Ofri will deliver the 2017 Helen Goldberg Memorial Lecture in Women’s Health at 7 p.m., Wednesday, April 26, in the Fred W. Smith Forum, 200 Reynolds Journalism Institute, at the Missouri School of Journalism. The Wednesday, April 26, Presentation Is Free and Open to the Public Columbia, Mo. (March 31, 2017) — New … Continued
Senior Lucille Sherman Named National Intern at GateHouse Media
Lucille Sherman is one of two students selected for GateHouse Media’s 2017 national internship program. She Will Serve as an Intern at the Sarasota Herald-Tribune This Summer By Yue Tang Austin, Texas (March 30, 2017) — Missouri School of Journalism senior Lucille Sherman is one of two students selected for GateHouse Media‘s 2017 national internship … Continued
The New Yorker Film Critic Reflects on School’s Documentary Journalism Program and True/False Film Festival
Columbia, Mo. (March 29, 2017) — The New Yorker magazine film critic Richard Brody highlights documentary journalism professor Robert Greene and the Based on a True Story program at the University of Missouri in his March 8 story about the 2017 True/False Film Festival. In the article, “Three Genre-Expanding Documentaries About Racist Crimes of the … Continued
Doctoral Candidate Yang Cheng Wins ‘Extra-Outstanding Award’ from Chinese Government
Doctoral candidate Yang (Alice) Cheng is the recipient of the highly-selective 2016 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad. She Is One of Only 10 Worldwide to Earn the Highly Selective Recognition By Yue Tang Columbia, Mo. (March 29, 2017) — Yang (Alice) Cheng, a doctoral candidate at the Missouri School of Journalism, is … Continued
Alumna Elsa Garrison Named to ‘Women of Influence’ Series for Sports Photography
Columbia, Mo. (March 28, 2017) — For more than 20 years, Elsa Garrison, BJ ’96, has photographed elite-level action of a wide variety of sports as a staff photographer with Getty Images Sport. Millions of fans relive the big moments Garrison captures on the sidelines at the World Series, NBA Finals, Stanley Cup Finals and … Continued
Magazine Club Visits Top Publications in New York City
Magazine Club students visit the 9/11 memorial (top) and Cosmopolitan magazine during a trip to New York City. Photos: Brittany Emond. The Trip Included a Networking Event with Alumni By Crystal Duan New York (March 27, 2017) — Magazine Club students and professors from the Missouri School of Journalism traveled to New York City to … Continued
Student Organization to Host International LGBTQ Film Screening
‘The Blue Hour’ Will Show at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, in Fisher Auditorium Columbia, Mo. (March 27, 2017) — The Queer Media Association, with support from the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative, will host a free screening of “The Blue Hour” at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, in Fisher Auditorium in Gannett Hall at … Continued
The New York Times Features Long-Form Storytelling Alumnae
Columbia, Mo. (March 27, 2017) — A March 17, 2017, article in the New York Times begins with alumna Joanna Demkiewicz as a Missouri School of Journalism student in March 2013. Demkiewicz attended a daylong event on reporting and writing long-form nonfiction. Mike Sager, writer-at-large for Esquire magazine, had just published “Next Wave: America’s New … Continued