KOMU.com – Best in the Midwest
Columbia, Mo. (April 28, 2003) — KOMU‘s website has won the Edward R. Murrow Award for the best small-market TV Web site in Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska.
The award, which is given by the Radio Television News Directors Association (RTNDA), recognizes Web sites that offer timely news and original content while maximizing the use of on-line technology to inform and educate the public and stimulate debate of important issues.
“KOMU.com is successful because we focus on delivering the basics,” said Web Director Mike McKean.

General Manager Marty Siddall added, “Our efforts have been directed at providing the most practical source for information about news and community events while also creating an environment for feedback and public debate.”
McKean explained that features such as bulletin boards where users can post messages, a community calendar that allows them to add events, and a daily E-poll encourage public participation and help KOMU staff decide which stories to cover in their news broadcasts.
The award will be presented at a gathering of Associated Press members in Kansas City in May. KOMU will now compete for the National Murrow Award to be presented by RTNDA in June.
Updated: March 2, 2020