Magazine Faculty Member Receives Campus Teaching Award
Columbia, Mo. (June 25, 2004) — Missouri School of Journalism Professor Jennifer Moeller has received the 2003-04 Provost Outstanding Junior Faculty Teaching Award for her superior teaching and advising on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus.

“Jen works as hard as any faculty member I have ever seen, and she goes beyond the call of duty every day,” said Charles Davis, chair of the Editorial department.
Moeller teaches magazine writing and editing and serves as the editorial director of Vox, an award-winning weekly city magazine published in the Columbia Missourian and available at locations in town and on all three campuses. After receiving a BJ degree from MU in 1987, she then worked as a communications coordinator and editor for a nonprofit organization in St. Louis and served as the president of an association of editors. She returned to MU in 1996 to pursue a master’s degree, earned her MA in journalism in 1998 and began teaching at the journalism school as an adjunct professor. In 2001 Moeller became assistant professor. In addition to teaching, Moeller has written freelance articles that have appeared in Real Simple, Elle and Missouri Life magazines, and she serves as contributing editor to Italian Cooking and Living magazine and La Cucina Italiana.
Moeller will receive a $1,000 prize and a plaque. She is the sixth journalism professor to receive the award since its creation in 1987. Three winners are selected each year.
Updated: March 16, 2020