Upcoming Publishing Summit to Provide Professional Development, Networking, Student Recruitment Opportunities
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 6, 2006) — The second annual Publishing Summit will provide publication professionals from the Midwest with the opportunity to improve their skills, network and get reenergized about their profession. Sponsored by the Missouri Association of Publications (MAP), the event will take place on Thursday and Friday, March 2-3, on the University of Missouri campus.
The MAP summit will take place in conjunction with the ninth annual Magazine Fair also on the university campus on March 3. The event gives publishing professionals the opportunity to meet high-quality Missouri Journalism students who are seeking possible internships and future jobs.

Tony Silber, editor and publisher of Folio: magazine will present the keynote speech on the first day of the summit. Banquet speaker Roy Reiman of Reiman Publications will share his experience of launching, without advertising, 12 publications to more than 16 million subscribers.
Summit sessions will include editorial and design, sales, and publishing and management topics presented by industry experts and Missouri School of Journalism faculty. For those who would like to review grammar, the summit will provide three separate sessions by grammar expert journalism professor Jennifer Moeller.
Newsletter editors can attend sessions on how to produce successful print and electronic newsletters. A special InDesign seminar will be led by Donald Waterman and Keith Speer from the University Information & Access Technology Services (IAT Services).

Missouri Journalism Professor Emeritus Don Ranly founded MAP as a nonprofit corporation in 2004 to provide continuing education opportunities for its members by means of seminars, workshops and roundtables, where members may share expertise and resources and network with one another. MAP is based at the School, and two of the 19 board members are magazine journalism faculty.
“The huge success of our first publishing summit is proof positive that we are meeting a need,” said Ranly. “Seasoned professionals as well as newcomers to the publishing arena can all benefit from this year’s event.”
Registration information about this year’s Publishing Summit and MAP is available by sending e-mail to info@missouripublications.org or by visiting the Missouri Association of Publications website.
Updated: April 8, 2020