Politico Selects Missouri Student for Journalism Institute Class of 2015
Elizabeth Brown Will Receive Intensive Training on Political and Policy Journalism
Arlington, Va. (July 13, 2015) — Elizabeth Brown, BJ ’15, is one of 12 undergraduate students selected by POLITICO, American University and the Maynard Institute for the 2015 POLITICO Journalism Institute. Brown, who studied magazine journalism at the Missouri School of Journalism, began her eight days of intensive training on political and policy journalism on July 10.

Brown, who also earned a minor in political science, wrote for the Columbia Missourian and Vox Magazine while a student. She is from Country Club Hills, Illinois. Brown attended Marian Catholic High School where she participated in the marching band, one of only 12 in the nation to reach Grand Nationals of Bands of America.
This year’s class represents a diverse group of students hailing from public and private universities nationwide. In addition to Missouri, other universities represented are American, Emerson, Hampton, Florida, Florida A&M, Fordham, Kenyon, The New School, Northwestern, Oklahoma and York College/The City University of New York.
The Institute will include interactive sessions on digital journalism, enterprise reporting, policy coverage, journalism ethics and political cartoons. The students also will have the opportunity to report stories that will be published on one of POLITICO’s many platforms, tour the Capitol with a POLITICO congressional reporter and visit the Newseum. Two students will be selected from the Institute class to return for a three-month, paid residency in the POLITICO newsroom to write, edit and produce news content.
“This program offers students a unique opportunity to work alongside POLITICO journalists to gain valuable, hands-on professional experience,” said POLITICO Chief Operating Officer Kim Kingsley.
Updated: September 10, 2020