Economic Journalism Students Visit St. Louis Federal Reserve

The Bank’s Senior Economist Briefed the Group During Their Visit
Columbia, Mo. (May 16, 2016) — Nine Missouri School of Journalism students in a general economics class at the University of Missouri recently visited the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. MU’s general economics course is required for journalism students, and there is a designated section designed to serve the needs journalism students have about covering economic issues.
The class studies the role of the headline-making Federal Reserve as part of their coursework. The bank promotes stable prices, encourages maximum sustainable economic growth and supports financial stability for constituents in the St. Louis district and throughout the United States.
Those selected for the trip were winners of an essay contest that was part of the course. All were enrolled in a special section of the general economics course reserved for journalism students. It was co-taught by Marty Steffens, the Society of American Business Editors and Writers chair, and George Chikhladze, an MU assistant professor in economics.
Fernando Martin, the bank’s senior economist, briefed the group during their April 29 visit.
Updated: September 25, 2020