Joe Collins Named MU September Service Champion
The Award Recognizes Staff Members Who Represent the 4 Core Values of the University
Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 22, 2016) — Joe Collins, a system support analyst at the Missouri School of Journalism, has received the University of Missouri Service Champion Award for September.

Collins joined the School’s information technology area in 2012. He previously worked for four years as a PC support technician in the Academic Technology Department at Blinn College in Bryan, Texas.
Nominators praised the quality of Collins’s work.
He has a can-do attitude and is always friendly and talkative no matter what the situation.
He works tirelessly to improve the lives of so many throughout the division. He could be nicknamed Mr. Helpful as a result of all that he does.
Joe is a thinker, and not just any thinker, he’s a creative thinker. Joe’s mind works in a way that develops solutions that most of us would never consider.
The award recognizes outstanding staff members is given to one individual each month who best epitomizes the four core values of the University: Respect, Responsibility, Discovery and Excellence. The Staff Advisory Council selects one person each month for this honor. Collins receives a plaque, a gift bag from Printing Services, two dining certificates from Campus Dining Services, a $25 gift card to The Mizzou Store and a complimentary month at the Mizzou Rec Center. He will receive special recognition at the Staff Recognition Week in May.
Updated: October 1, 2020