Katie DeSplinter

Katie DeSplinter

Senior Copywriter BJ '05
Jane Di Leo

Jane Di Leo

Vice President, Chief of Staff, Corporate Affairs & Communications in NYC BJ '05, MA '06
Amy Bannister DiGiacomo

Amy Bannister DiGiacomo

Director of Marketing BJ '97 (Advertising)
Bob Donaldson

Bob Donaldson

News Anchor BJ '82
Steve Doyal

Steve Doyal

Senior Vice President (Retired) BJ '71
John Duban

John Duban

Executive Vice President and Global Managing Director BJ '87
Coburn Dukehart

Coburn Dukehart

Senior Photo Editor MA '03
Betty Cole Dukert

Betty Cole Dukert

Executive Producer (Retired) BJ '49
MU Logo

Emily Dulcan

Digital Director MA '06
Natalie Dupin

Natalie Dupin

Public Relations Coordinator BJ '17
Tim Dyer

Tim Dyer

Chief Storyteller BJ '03
Cicely Dyson

Cicely Dyson

News Editor BJ '02