Missouri Method modernizes with journalism school curriculum overhaul

The School – often referred to as The World’s Journalism School – proudly celebrates Dean Walter Williams launching the first professional journalism school 111 years ago. Republished by permission of RTDNA By Steven Ackermann Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 4, 2019) — This semester’s incoming journalism students at the University of Missouri are enrolled in nearly 50 … Continued

Missourian wins 64 awards at the 2019 Missouri Press Association Awards

Competing with Missouri newspapers with circulations from 5,001 to 15,000, the Columbia Missourian won 64 awards in the Missouri Press Association’s 2019 Better Newspaper Contest, including the gold cup award given to the news organization with the most awards in its division. By Cheri Eichholz Cherry Columbia Missourian Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 30, 2019) — The … Continued

Athlead student team wins Fox Sports University challenge after being tasked with getting casual Fox viewer interested in boxing

Competing in the Fox Sports University challenge, Team Athlead quickly recognized the need to reach their target audience on multiple forms of media throughout the day and created their winning campaign around that objective. Though challenging, project provided creative freedom and hands-on learning for students. By Jerry Duggan Strategic Communication Student Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 19, … Continued

AdZou Team Impresses Client, the SE Missourian

Columbia, Mo. (July 2, 2019) — Before they can graduate, all strategic communication seniors have to complete a capstone. They have two options to choose from: MOJO Ad or AdZou. Each capstone option involves the same purpose: helping a real-world client solve a problem. While MOJO Ad students took on the task of creating a … Continued

Hands-On Investigative Reporting Project Leads Missouri Attorney General to Launch New Probe

During their senior year at Mizzou, Kyra Haas and Aviva Okeson-Haberman began developing a story that took their reporting in unanticipated directions, requiring them to file multiple Sunshine Law requests after they noticed a disparity between the data and their anecdotal experiences speaking directly with Missourians who had attempted to use the state’s adult abuse … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Students Gain Hands-On Experience Working for Fee-Based Clients

In the enduring Missouri Method tradition of learning-by-doing, strategic communication seniors spent the spring 2019 semester working at AdZou developing fully-fleshed-out, research-based, creative marketing and advertising campaigns for 18 local and regional fee-based clients. AdZou’s Impact? $5,000 in One Day. By Jennifer Nelson Columbia, Mo. (May 17, 2019) — Twenty-eight teams consisting of 211 strategic … Continued