Do you have a passion for cutting-edge research at the intersection of big data and computational communication? Are you eager to make an impact on our understanding and navigation of the intricate world of communication in the era of generative AI and large language models? If yes, we welcome you to collaborate with our research team at the Missouri School of Journalism to push the boundaries of knowledge in this field.  

The availability of vast amounts of data has opened up new opportunities for understanding and analyzing communication processes. Big data and computational communication research focus on harnessing these data resources and leveraging computational methods to gain insights into various aspects of communication. By utilizing advanced techniques and algorithms, researchers can uncover patterns, trends, and relationships within large-scale datasets, enabling a deeper understanding of communication phenomena and their implications.

A few examples of research that we are excited about at Mizzou:  

  • Exploring the intersection of computational methods and journalism to analyze news media content, assess bias, and study news consumption behaviors. 
  • Using big data analysis to study political discourse, election campaigns, and the role of digital platforms in shaping public opinion, political behaviors, and outcomes. 
  • Investigating communication patterns, dynamics and influence to understand the spread of information (or mis- and disinformation), social behaviors, and collective decision-making using computational techniques (e.g., machine learning, automated content analysis, sentiment analysis, network analysis). 


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You are welcome to explore your research interests with doctoral faculty who specialize in this area.