Missouri is the recognized leader for graduate study in journalism and strategic communication. More than 2,500 people have earned a journalism master’s degree from Missouri since the first recipient in 1921.

Our journalism graduates are taking leadership positions at The New York Times and Washington Post; overseeing multiplatform news operations at major broadcast networks and cable stations such as CNN and NBC; spearheading global public relations and advertising plans for Ketchum, Fleishman-Hillard, BBDO, Ogilvy and others; writing articles and taking photographs for major magazines such as National Geographic; conducting major research studies; and so much more.

Missouri journalism master’s graduates are quickly identified as “fast-trackers,” those individuals who clearly demonstrate the leadership qualities that are critical to an organization’s success. You can join this elite group when you study journalism at Missouri.

If you desire to pursue a journalism doctoral degree, the Missouri journalism master’s program is superb preparation because you can begin to develop your research interests as a journalism master’s student.

Admission Criteria

Missouri faculty members encourage and nurture emerging scholars and will help you produce publishable articles as a master’s student.


Call 573-882-4852 or email us at JourGraduateStudies@missouri.edu to talk with an adviser or schedule a campus visit.

Apply to Journalism Grad School