Upcoming Seminar Will Focus on Improving Print and Electronic Publications
The Missouri Association of Publications 5th Anniversary Publishing Summit Will Be Held March 5 and 6 in Columbia
Columbia, Mo. (Jan. 29, 2009) — A slate of award-winning journalists will discuss how to enhance print and electronic publications at the upcoming Missouri Association of Publications 5th Anniversary Publishing Summit. The event will be held Thursday and Friday, March 5 and 6, at the Holiday Inn Select Executive Center in Columbia.

The two-day professional development activity will feature skill-development workshops on editing, design, sales and marketing. Participants from around the region will join Missouri School of Journalism students and faculty to learn, network and view exhibits from various organizations representing all facets of publishing. The closing highlight will be the presentation of the Ranlys, named after Missouri School of Journalism Professor Emeritus and MAP Founder Don Ranly and one of the industry’s highest recognitions of excellence in quality print and electronic publications.
“Innovation and Global Media: Sparking Creativity and Economic Development in a Global Economy” will the title of the keynote address during the Ranly awards ceremony and banquet on Thursday night. Jim Spencer, founder and president of Newsy.com, will share how his group recently started a global news venture in partnership with the Missouri School of Journalism. Prior to his current work, Spencer was a founding vice president of Ask Jeeves, general manager of news and information programming at AOL, director of strategic partnerships at NBC for MSNBC.com, and general manager of new media at Multimedia, Inc.
Esquire magazine’s Tom Junod will deliver the keynote address at the Friday luncheon. Junod has written about high-profile actors, politicians and government officials, including Kevin Spacey, Fred Rogers, Hillary Rodham Clinton and FBI counter-terrorist expert John O’Neill. Before joining Esquire, Junod wrote for Atlanta Magazine, Life, Sports Illustrated and GQ, where he won two National Magazine Awards. Junod received one for a profile of an abortion doctor; the second was for a profile of a rapist undergoing therapy while enduring what is known as “civil commitment.” His noted 2003 piece, “The Falling Man,” was a finalist for a National Magazine Award, as was his 2007 story, “The Loved Ones.” Junod has been a National Magazine Award finalist ten times.
MAP, which is affiliated with the Missouri School of Journalism, is a professional organization for print and electronic magazine and newsletter publishing practitioners and those who work in associated industries.
To receive more information about this event, please e-mail your name, address and e-mail address to: info@missouripublications.org.
Important dates and costs are:
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: Feb. 14.
- Member, Individual, Early Bird: $149
- Members, Group, Early Bird: $135 p/person in member group (3 minimum)
- Non-Members, Individual, Early Bird: $245
- Non-Members, Group, Early Bird: $230 p/person in non-member group (3 minimum)
Schedule of Activities
Thursday, March 5
1-2 p.m.
- On-Site Registration
- Exhibit Hall Open
- Silent Auction Begins
2-3:15 p.m. Breakout Sessions
Edit and Publishing/Sales & Marketing
Title: Copyright and Other Legal Matters in the Internet Age
Presenter: Sandy Davidson, associate professor of journalism law, Missouri School of Journalism
Description: Although courts apply old law to new technology, the Internet has created some challenging legal issues. This presentation will focus on understanding the law and avoiding potential problems in the areas of copyright, libel and jurisdiction.
Title: Magazine Design: A Look at the Basic Principles
Presenter: Jennifer Rowe, associate professor of magazine journalism, Missouri School of Journalism
Description: A primer in design principles provides participates with foundational knowledge to increase their visual literacy. See how applying these principles, from unity to contrast, will give your publication added punch.
3:30-4:45 p.m. Breakout Sessions
Title: Let’s Do A Feature!
Presenter: Don Ranly, professor emeritus, Missouri School of Journalism
Description:Writing features does not mean writing fluff. What it does mean is writing copy of all kinds with flair that readers find compelling and enjoyable. Through the use of narrative and literary devices (similes, metaphors, examples and the like), you’ll have more fun, and your copy will spring to life.
Title: You CAN Judge a Book by Its Cover
Panel: Edward Biamonte, photo editor, 417 Magazine, Springfield, Mo., and Missouri School of Journalism magazine journalism associate professors Jan Colbert, John Fennell and Jen Rowe
Description: You can judge a book by its cover if the book is a magazine. At least the cover has much to do with whether your magazine gets into the hands of readers either off the newsstand or in the home. Four experts will lead a discussion with examples of the elements of a strong cover.
Publishing/Sales & Marketing
Title: Using Social Media to Expand Your Brand
Presenter: Heather Mansfield, DIOSA Communications
Description: Come learn how editors, publishers and circulation managers can use social media (MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and the like) to provide more reader and customer insight, expand communication channels and measure their impact and effectiveness.
5 p.m. Reception
6:30 p.m. Ranly Awards Ceremony and Banquet
Title: Innovation and Global Media: Sparking Creativity and Economic Development in a Global Economy
Keynote Speaker: Jim Spencer, Newsy.com
Description: In June of 2008 a team of entrepreneurs started a global news venture in partnership with the Missouri School of Journalism. How and why did this happen, and what has been achieved? What can the Missouri Association of Publications learn from their efforts and how MAP members can benefit from them?
Friday, March 6
8:15-9:30 a.m. Breakout Sessions
Title: Grammar I: Grammar Is Power
Presenter: Jennifer Rowe
Description: Learn how understanding the basic power structure of grammar, from types of clauses, phrases and sentences to the ins and outs of comma and punctuation placement. With exercises and clear guidelines, you’ll join this most popular session, and brush up on all those things you once learned but might have forgotten.
Title: Blueprints for Sound Storytelling
Presenter: Jacqui Banaszynski, Knight Chair in Editing, Missouri School of Journalism
Description: The challenges of organization and focus plague even the most experienced writers. But there are some common blueprints that help writers build sound, elegant stories. Those blueprints provide a safe, reliable structure on which both creativity and clarity can stand and give editors a framework to help coach complicated stories.
Design (Advanced)
Title: Magazine Design in the Digital Era
Presenter: Reuben Stern, print and graphics editor, Futures Lab, Reynolds Journalism Institute
Description:What does the future hold for print design in an increasingly online world? This session will go beyond the basic principles of design to explore new ideas, tools and tips for engaging readers visually in print and across platforms. The presentation will showcase some of the latest developments in publication design for both print and electronic media and provide specifics on how to integrate these emerging trends into your own work.
Publishing/Sales & Marketing
Title: What Media Buyers Need to Know about Your Publication
Presenter: Tim Bingaman, president & CEO, Circulation Verification Council, Kirkwood, Mo.
Description: Is your publication the “path of least resistance” for media buyers evaluating advertising purchases for your market? This session will present how to effectively present your circulation, rate card and media kit, reader demographics and SRDS listings so media buyers have the information they need to include your publication in their media mix.
9:45-11 a.m. Breakout Sessions
Title: Grammar II: More (Grammar) Power to the People
Presenter: Jennifer Rowe
Description: For those who want to master more advanced techniques of grammar, style and usage. We’ll delve further into the mysteries of the English language. This session is for all of you who are closet grammar geeks or wannabes.
Title: TioAdvanced Photography
Presenter: Edward Biamonte. Biamonte has worked at this award-winning regional magazine for four years. His extensive 25-year-plus photographic career started in Chicago and has taken him to all the major hubs of catalogue and fashion photography.
Joint Session: Publishing/Sales & Marketing and Edit
Title: Multimedia Reporting (convergence): Not Just an Add-on to the “Real” Story.
Presenter: Mike McKean, director, Futures Lab, Reynolds Journalism Institute
Description: Stop paying lip service to cross-platform journalism and start evaluating the best way to tell each story with all the tools available to your staff. See and discuss real examples of real convergence.
11:15-12:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions
Title: Making the Web and Databases Work for You
Presenter: Brant Houston, Knight Chair of investigative and enterprise reporting at University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign.
Description:This session will show how to use computer-assisted reporting to produce new and different stories, become more efficient in Web searches, and how to save and make time in the digital world.
Title: Type and Resonance in the Digital World
Presenter: Jan Colbert
Description: Typography used to be the territory of a few; now everyone is an expert. Come figure out how to separate the faddish from the stylish and how to enhance storytelling with meaningful type decisions.
Publishing/Sales & Marketing
Title: Best Sales and Marketing Idea Roundtable
Panelists: Gary Whitaker, Fred Parry and Charlene Finck
12:30-2 p.m., Annual Meeting Luncheon
Keynote Speaker: Tom Junod, journalist, Esquire magazine
Updated: April 30, 2020