Forbes Partners with School-Based Foundation to Offer Edit Fellowship to Forbes Foreign Reporter
Recipient of the Forbes Alfred Friendly Press Partners Fellowship at the Missouri School of Journalism Is Thobile Hans, Forbes Africa
Published by Forbes Business Feb. 22, 2016

New York (February 22, 2016) — Forbes Media announced today its partnership with U.S. Journalism Foundation Alfred Friendly Press Partners to offer an editorial fellowship in the U.S. to a reporter from one of Forbes’ local licensed editions around the world. The recipient of the Missouri School of Journalism’s Alfred Friendly Press Partners (AFPP) Fellowship, as selected by an executive team at Forbes and AFPP’s leadership, is Thobile Hans, a South African-based journalist from Forbes Africa. Mr. Hans is one of eight fellows chosen for the Alfred Friendly Press Partners 2016 fellowship program.
Beginning in March, Mr. Hans will spend several weeks training at the Alfred Friendly Press Partners at the Missouri School of Journalism – followed by five months of training in Forbes’ newsroom in the company’s office in Jersey City, New Jersey.
“This fellowship opportunity is a testament to Forbes’ commitment to upholding the highest standards of professional journalism and to our interest in seeing our journalistic standards spread throughout the world among our global local licensees,” said Randall Lane, editor of Forbes magazine.
The goals of the fellowship are:
- To provide the Fellow with experience in reporting, writing, editing, and editorial decision-making that will enhance future professional performance;
- To expose the Fellow to the industry’s technological advances;
- To enable the Fellow to gain a practical understanding of the function and significance of the free press in American society;
- To transfer knowledge gained on the program to colleagues at home;
- To foster continuing ties between free press institutions and journalists in the U.S. and their counterparts in other countries.
“I am grateful to Forbes and Alfred Friendly Press Partners for this lifetime opportunity. Africa needs more proficient and dedicated journalists, so I was thrilled when my managing editor Chris Bishop asked me to apply. It’s not only about me personally, but my acquired knowledge will benefit our predominantly junior newsroom,” said Thobile Hans.
About Forbes Media
Forbes Media is a global media, branding and technology company, with a focus on news and information about business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership and affluent lifestyles. The company publishes Forbes, Forbes Asia and Forbes Europe magazines, as well as and The Forbes brand today reaches more than 80 million people worldwide with its business message each month through its magazines and 37 licensed local editions around the globe,, TV, conferences, research, social and mobile platforms. Forbes Media’s brand extensions include conferences, real estate, education, financial services, and technology license agreements.
About the Alfred Friendly Press Partners Fellowship Program
Alfred Friendly Press Partners conducts a six-month fellowship program in the United States for professional journalists from countries with developing media systems.
AFPP provides basic and advanced hands-on instruction at the Missouri School of Journalism and places talented reporters in leading U.S. newsrooms. AFPP has trained more than 300 journalists from 90 countries during the past 32 years and strengthened newsrooms across the globe.
The quality of the training and the length of the fellowship provides a transformative experience for the young journalists, which sets our program apart from all others. The Fellows are immersed in the American lifestyle; they are living in their own apartments, shopping at the grocery store and making friends in their communities. The Fellows aren’t just observing newsrooms; they are functioning as members of the staff. Please visit for more information.
Updated: September 15, 2020