Missouri Journalism Master’s Student Chosen for Global Ethics Fellowship

Master’s student Alexis Allison is one of 14 journalism students from around the world chosen to participate in the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics this summer from May 25 through June 7.
Alexis Allison Joins Groundbreaking Program for Journalism Students and Early-Career Journalists
New York (April 11, 2019) — Alexis Allison, a master’s student at the Missouri School of Journalism, is one of 14 journalism students and early-career journalists chosen for the 2019 Journalism Program of the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE). The two-week summer program, held in Germany and Poland, uses the conduct of reporters and other media professionals in Nazi-occupied Europe as a way to reflect on contemporary journalism ethics.
Allison joins a diverse group of 70 FASPE fellows who were chosen through a competitive process that drew applicants from across the U.S. and the world. FASPE covers all program costs, including travel, food and lodging.
The FASPE Fellows will travel from May 25 through June 7, beginning their trip in Berlin and then traveling on to Krakow and Oswiecim (the town in which Auschwitz is located), Poland. In Berlin, the program includes museum visits, meeting with a Holocaust survivor and educational workshops at the House of the Wannsee Conference, the site where state and Nazi Party agencies convened in 1942 to coordinate plans for the Nazis’ “Final Solution.” In Krakow, fellows will continue their seminars at Jagiellonian University, one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious universities, and at Auschwitz, they will be guided by the distinguished educational staff of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.
“I hope to develop a language and framework with which to think about and navigate ethics,” Allison said. “It’s hard to grapple with – or teach others about – an idea if you can’t name it.” Originally from Texas, Allison earned her bachelor’s degree in creative writing from Pepperdine University.
To learn more about FASPE and its programs, visit www.faspe-ethics.org.
Updated: November 6, 2020