Strategic Communication
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 14, 2018) — Many big names from the advertising and PR world come through the School of Journalism every year, giving guest lectures and meeting with students. However, the Novak Leadership Institute took this one step further by taking the students to the front doors of the biggest names in our industry … Continued
Novak Future Leaders Tour Connects Students with Industry Titans
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 14, 2018) — Many big names from the advertising and PR world come through the School of Journalism every year, giving guest lectures and meeting with students. However, the Novak Leadership Institute took this one step further by taking the students to the front doors of the biggest names in our industry … Continued
MOJO Ad Hosts Resume and Portfolio Best Practices Prep Session
By Elizabeth Berg, Emily Pagano and Keena Patel MOJO Ad Public Relations Account Executives Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 3, 2017) — MOJO Ad hosted a Resume and Portfolio Best Practices event at the Missouri School of Journalism for students to gain insights from industry professionals into what makes a resume and portfolio stand out. The event, … Continued
Journalism Industry Leaders Share Financial Insights at RJI Symposium
Nov. 30, 2017 (Columbia, Mo.) — The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and the Missouri School of Journalism recently hosted a symposium on the role that finances play in the world of journalism. The event gave industry leaders, faculty and students a place to have a dynamic conversation about the relationship between money and journalism. … Continued
Strategic Communication Professor James Sterling Named Faculty Emeritus
Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 29, 2017) — Strategic communication professor James C. Sterling, BJ ’65, this fall was named professor emeritus for his service and dedication to the Missouri School of Journalism. This honor is bestowed on University of Missouri faculty members based on their meritorious service to their department and the university over a long … Continued
Two Strat Comm Students Selected for AAF St. Louis Scholarship
Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 29, 2017) — Strategic communication students Dun Li and Denajha Phillips were awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the American Advertising Federation (AAF) St. Louis Chapter for the 2018 spring semester. The scholarship was awarded to both students for their high academic performance, involvement in MU’s AAF chapter, and their passion for the … Continued
Jasmyn Barr Named AAF Most Promising Multicultural Student
Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 16, 2017) — On Nov. 1, the American Advertising Federation selected strategic communication student Jasmyn Barr among 49 other students from across the nation for their annual Most Promising Multicultural Students (MPMS) program. Barr is currently studying abroad in Brussels, Belgium, and applied for the program last year after meeting with representatives … Continued
Humans of Strat Comm: Dun Li
Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 3, 2017) — Many people don’t choose their degree or line of work on a whim, but strategic communication student Dun Li found inspiration in unexpected places. Li chose to study journalism because of his love for The Newsroom, a television show that aired in 2012 on HBO. The show is about … Continued
Two Strategic Communication Students Participate in Multicultural Talent Pipeline Forum
Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 21, 2017) — Two MU strategic communication students were selected for the annual Multicultural Talent Pipeline (MCTP) event in New York City earlier this month. Erika Fletcher and Raina Brooks, two senior account management students, were the first from MU to attend the event. “I knew Erika and Raina would be excellent … Continued
Making Connections
The Missouri Method, Friendly Atmosphere are Key to New Jersey Student’s Success Alexis Cettina is a sophomore studying strategic communication at the Missouri School of Journalism. A Robbinsville, N.J., native, Cettina wasn’t sure where she wanted to go to school, but knew she wanted to study journalism. A quick Internet search pointed the way for … Continued
Online Master’s Student Receives Scholarship to Fund Her Studies
Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 4, 2017) — Missouri School of Journalism Interactive Media online master’s student Cara Mahon has been awarded the Asparagus Club scholarship from the National Grocers Association. The scholarship will help Mahon finish her research of online grocery shopping programs among independent grocery retailers. A digital marketing specialist at Associated Wholesale Grocers, Mahon … Continued