Glen Cameron to Present the 2006 21st Century Corps of Discovery Lecture
Columbia, Mo. (May 4, 2006) –– Glen Cameron will deliver the 2006 21st Century Corps of Discovery lecture, a recognition of his excellence in scholarly and creative discoveries. As a recipient of the award, he will receive a $5,000 honorarium and a reception in his honor.

Cameron is the Maxine Wilson Gregory Chair in Journalism Research at the Missouri School of Journalism and a professor in the advertising sequence. He also serves as a professor of Family and Community Medicine and an adjunct clinical instructor at the School of Nursing, and is founder-co-director-scientific adviser of the Health Communication Research Center.
Cameron has authored more than 100 books, chapters, articles and convention papers. He has received numerous national awards for individual research projects as well as the Baskett-Mosse and Pathfinder awards for his entire body of work. Cameron’s expert system program, Publics PR Research Software™, is widely used as a targeting research tool in marketing and public relations. He is a co-author of Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics, published by Allyn & Bacon, and he serves on the editorial board of several scholarly journals and book series.
“This honor is exceptionally appropriate for Glen Cameron,” said Margaret Duffy, Advertising Department chair. “He is a true explorer, conducting research that’s imaginative, intelligent and insightful. Beyond that, he’s a remarkable leader in research with students, generously guiding them along the paths of scholarship.”
The lecture will be held at 4 p.m., Monday, Sept. 18, in Keller Auditorium in the Geology building on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus.
The 21st Century Corps of Discovery annual lecture by one of the most distinguished MU faculty celebrates such discoveries and brings together the University and the community at the beginning of the academic year. This event keeps alive Thomas Jefferson’s dream of education as a cornerstone of American democracy. This well-publicized lecture, selected each year from a variety of disciplines, shares current discoveries both inside and outside the academic community as part of a land-grant university mission wherein “discovery” is one of its stated values.
Updated: April 9, 2020