NABJ Students Visit The Big Apple
By Lauren Walsh
Master’s Student
Columbia, Mo. (March 3, 2010) — Missouri School of Journalism students who are members of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) recently spent five busy and informative days in New York City for the group’s fifth annual media tour.

The tours allowed 40 students to learn how media outlets operate and function as well as present news on a variety of platforms. These included The Wall Street Journal, CBS, ABC, Bloomberg, Hot 97 radio station, Vibe magazine, Essence magazine, Amsterdam News and Left Field Pictures.
Publishing, advertising and public relations firms, including Ruder Finn, Spike DDB and Johnson Publishing Co., were also visited.
“I think it would hard to overstate the impact this tour had on the group,” said Holly Edgell, the group’s adviser and an assistant professor at the School. “From the organization to the execution, the group learned so much and made invaluable contacts for their careers in journalism and strategic communication.”
The students appreciated the advice about the working world that professionals at each stop. Students learned of internships and were encouraged to apply. Some professionals reviewed students’ resumes and provided helpful feedback.

“They had a lot of advice and were more than willing to help us in any way they could,” noted Jehan Roberson, NABJ student chapter president.
For several members of the group, this trip was their first to New York. So, they spent free time exploring the city, visiting Times Square and the Apollo Theater. The group even appeared on the popular BET show “106th and Park.”
To help fund this trip, the students held a bake sale, participated in a fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings and cleaned Memorial Stadium/Faurot Field after a University of Missouri home football game. The Black Studies Department, Legion of Black Collegians and the School provided additional support for the trip.
Updated: May 7, 2020