Missouri School of Journalism NABJ-MU Student Chapter Visits Leading Washington D.C. Media Outlets

Twenty-eight NABJ-MU members had the opportunity to visit different media agencies such as The Washington Post, NBC, Ogilvy Washington, USA Today, and Newsy, among others.
Trip Offered Networking, Educational and Professional Development Opportunities
By Gabrielle Hays
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 6, 2018) — Leading into the month of February, the MU Chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) spent one week in Washington D.C. for its annual media tour. Twenty-eight NABJ-MU members had the opportunity to visit different media agencies such as The Washington Post, NBC, Ogilvy Washington, USA Today, and Newsy, among others. The students were provided with an intimate look at what life is like inside some of the most innovative newsrooms, creative spaces, and start-ups.
“This was an amazing trip,” said broadcast journalism senior Kristen Harris. “I had a great time reconnecting with alumni, trying new foods, and learning more about the industry on a more personal level,” she said.
Students were split up into broadcast, print, or strategic communication groups in order to provide individualized experiences. Each visit awarded students with a chance to get a few questions in with established journalists and media creatives.
On the set of “Meet the Press,” the broadcast group chatted with Chuck Todd about ways to be better journalists in an age where being an expert in something is vital. Members also met up with MU alumni Major Garrett and got to see him in action as he interviewed Senator Bill Cassidy on CBS’s “The Takeout” podcast.
The group walked away with business cards, a broader insight of the industry, and a desire to work harder to tell better stories and create better things.
“Media Tour was a spectacular experience that allowed me to not only visit numerous advertising and PR agencies, but also gain first-hand knowledge from individuals working in the industry I aspire to be in one day,” said Kelsie Wilkins, a junior majoring in strategic communications.
NABJ is the student chapter for the University of Missouri. NABJ-MU aims to strive for excellence by encouraging diversity, educating through mentorship and promoting unity in the field of journalism. NABJ-MU is open to pre-journalism, pre-communication, undergraduate and graduate students.
Updated: October 28, 2020