Magazine Design Student Creates Logo for Sports Journalism Institute
Columbia, Mo. (March 28, 2011) — Missouri School of Journalism magazine journalism senior Ashley Cummins has created the new logo for the national Sports Journalism Institute. SJI recently announced that it would bring its 10-day crash course in sports journalism to the School beginning in June 2012.

Cummins used a serif typeface in a medium blue color for the acronym “SJI.” These initials are displayed in a white circular background at the top of the rectangular logo. The organization’s name, Sports Journalism Institute, and themeline, “Helping women and minority journalists into newsrooms since 1993,” are displayed underneath.
Cummins participated in the competition as a student in the advanced magazine design class taught by Associate Professor Jan Colbert and graduate student Erica Mendez. Each of the students designed 20 logos. From there, the group was culled, eventually, to 40. SJI officers made the final selection.
“It’s been a terrific experience working with Missouri’s design students on the concept of a logo that communicates at a glance who we are,” said Sandra Rosenbush, ESPN, a co-director and co-founder of SJI. “The most difficult part of the process was choosing just one.”

The organization plans to begin using use Cummins’ logo design on its website and stationery.
Cummins works on a variety of design projects at the School. She is a page designer for the Columbia Missourian and serves as a music department designer for Vox. From Omaha, she is also a freelance designer for various U.S. companies.
SJI is a program that has helped diversify sports departments across the country since 1993. Each year, the Institute selects a class of 10-12 minority and female journalists based on academic achievement, demonstrated interest in sports journalism as a career and excellence on a required essay.
“The students were excited by the experience and I know that SJI is excited with the result. A win-win,” said Greg Bowers, associate professor and sports editor at the Missourian.
Updated: May 21, 2020