Coursework, Internships, Activities Lead to Jobs After Graduation
96 Percent of 2014 Missouri Journalism Alumni Have Paid Employment or Are in Graduate School
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 17, 2015) — Allison Prang’s resume read like the who’s who of journalism when she graduated in December 2014 with her bachelor’s degree from the Missouri School of Journalism. There were internships with The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, The Kansas City Star and the Indianapolis Star, in addition to her reporting for the community Columbia Missourian newspaper at the School. The clips in Prang’s portfolio covered federal and state legislative activities, business and breaking news. Prang also worked at Investigative Reporters and Editors – headquartered at the School – during her time at Missouri, where she was able to make connections in the industry. Prang, BJ ’14, now covers tech and tourism for The Post and Courier in Charleston, South Carolina.

Paanii Annan, BJ ’14, joined the National Association of Black Journalists when he arrived on University of Missouri campus because he wanted to increase his networking and leadership skills. The student group hosts a top-10 media-market tour each year. Chicago was the destination city during Annan’s sophomore year, and it was during this trip that he first networked with Leo Burnett. The agency’s presentation convinced Annan to focus his studies on account management, which led to him taking a management of strategic communication course, which led to a summer internship at Leo Burnett, which led to being selected for MOJO Ad – the premier, student-staffed professional-services advertising agency in the U.S. specializing in the 18-to-24 market – which led to a full-time position at the agency upon graduation.
Success stories like Prang and Annan’s help explain why recent Missouri School of Journalism graduates have jobs and internships that can lead to full-time employment, according to a survey conducted during the spring 2015 semester. A total of 73 percent said they have full-time employment; 9 percent are enrolled in graduate school; 2 percent are self-employed or in the military or service; and 1.7 percent, have a paid internship.
The survey was sent to the 554 undergraduate students who graduated from the School at the end of the 2014 spring, summer and fall semesters. A total of 229, or 41 percent, responded.

The respondents represent a cross-section of students from all undergraduate emphasis areas, including 42 percent who studied strategic communication; 23 percent, magazine journalism; 14 percent, convergence journalism; 11 percent, print and digital news; 8 percent, radio-television journalism; and 2 percent, photojournalism.
Seventy-four percent said they are employed in an entry-level position; 25 percent, mid-level; 1 percent, senior level.
The areas of employment of the respondents are varied: 24 percent, public relations and marketing; 22 percent, advertising agencies; 13.5 percent, online and social media; 10 percent, magazines and publishing; 10 percent, newspapers and wire services; 6 percent, TV and radio; 3 percent, photojournalism, design and art.
Other industries include nonprofit and government, teaching/academia and armed forces.
Six percent reported incomes of more than $50,000, although most, 54 percent, earn in the $30,000-$39,000 range. Nineteen percent earn in the $40,000-$49,000 range.
The respondents are working in 33 states. Missouri tops the list with 34 percent, followed by Illinois, 16 percent; New York, 11 percent; Texas, 4 percent; and California, 2 percent.
“Getting a degree in journalism from the Missouri School of Journalism opens doors to opportunities both near and far, in a wide variety of jobs in journalism, public relations and advertising,” said Lynda Kraxberger, associate dean for undergraduate studies.
Updated: September 10, 2020