Journalism School Hosts Strategic Communication Career Fair
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 22, 2005) — Journalism students had the opportunity to meet, interview and make formal contacts with recruiters at the fourth annual advertising and public relations career fair on February 10.

“It was great to have the opportunity to meet and talk face to face with people who are in the business,” said senior Jessica Jones, who networked at the fair. “It is a great venue to create some contacts.”
The recruiters who attended the career fair represented advertising and public relations agencies, post graduate opportunities and other employment areas, including:
- Associated Advertising Agency, Wichita, Ks.
- Fleishman-Hillard, St. Louis, Mo.
- Hughes, St. Louis, Mo.
- Missouri Lottery, Jefferson City, Mo.
- Momentum, St. Louis, Mo.
- Moosylvania Marketing, St. Louis, Mo.
- MU Publications & Alumni Communications, Columbia, Mo.
- Osborn & Barr Communications, St. Louis, Mo.
- Rodgers Townsend, St. Louis, Mo.
- Standing Partnership, St. Louis, Mo.
- VCU AdCenter, Richmond, Va.
“We always get a good group of talent from Missouri students,” said Tyler Olesky, a Fleishman-Hillard representative. Olesky and another Fleishman-Hilllard representative, Danielle Hugger, BJ ’03, said they know the Missouri students have a lot of good experience before they get out of the School of Journalism, which makes them excellent prospects.

The career fair also involved a reception the evening before which gave the recruiters and students a chance to meet on a more personal level. Faculty members of the Journalism School stopped by to visit with the recruiters, some of whom are recent Mizzou graduates.
“The recruiters were impressed by the overall quality of students who attended. With many good candidates choosing just one will be difficult,” said Phousavanh Sengsavanh, assistant director of Career Services.
This was the fourth year that the Journalism School has hosted the career fair.
Updated: April 2, 2020