SEC Honors Journalism Professor with Faculty Achievement Award
The Honor Qualifies Glen Cameron as the University of Missouri Nominee for the SEC’s Professor of the Year Award
By RoseAnn Sorce
MU News Bureau
Columbia, Mo. (March 31, 2016) — Glen T. Cameron, Maxine Wilson Gregory Chair in Journalism Research and professor of strategic communication in the Missouri School of Journalism, has been awarded the Southeastern Conference Faculty Achievement Award for 2016. The award qualifies Cameron as the University of Missouri nominee for the SEC’s Professor of the Year award.

The SEC academic awards are organized by the SECU, which is the academic initiative of the Southeastern Conference. The purpose of SECU is to promote achievements in research and teaching at the 14 universities comprising the conference, and to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration among SEC university professors.
Cameron, a leader in the study of crisis communication, earned the award due to his years of research, writing and software design. He has authored more than 300 books, chapters, articles and convention papers, and co-authored the eleventh edition of the best-selling textbook, Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics, which is available in 10 languages. Cameron’s software development includes “Publics PR Research Software,” a targeted research tool based on his expert system coding that was widely used in marketing and public relations in the 1990’s, as well as Treepple, a tailored health news application currently being commercialized with MU. In addition, Cameron is the founder and co-director of MU’s Health Communication Research Center, where he works with an interdisciplinary team of researchers to better understand the critical roles of health and science communication in health care.
“It is a privilege to be recognized and represent Mizzou and the Missouri School of Journalism as a leading scholar in the Southeastern Conference,” Cameron said. “I am honored to be mentioned with such outstanding leaders in their respective fields. I share this recognition with the scores of collaborators and supporters of my work, beginning first with my wife, Marilyn Cameron.”
Cameron started at MU in 1998. In 2014, he was awarded the prestigious Jackson, Jackson and Wagner Behavioral Science Prize in his field. Also, the University of Texas School of Journalism recognized him as a Centennial High Impact Scholar, one of the five all-time most prolific scholars for career publications and citations. The MU Alumni Association also honored Cameron in 2013 with the Faculty-Alumni Award for Outstanding Accomplishments.
Cameron holds degrees in English literature from Jamestown College and St. Andrews University in Scotland. He earned a master’s of arts degree in communication from the University of Montana and his doctorate degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin. For more information about the SECU, visit
Updated: September 22, 2020