Missouri School of Journalism Faculty, Students and Alumni to Present 33 Papers at the International Communication Association Conference in London
Columbia, Mo. (May 28, 2013) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present 33 papers, lead and participate in panel sessions as well as serve in leadership positions at the 63rd annual conference of the International Communication Association. The four-day conference will be held June 17-21 in London.

Doctoral student Edson Tandoc and his co-author, an assistant professor at Michigan State, earned the top faculty paper award in the environmental communication interest group. The study offers important insights about the mediated messages citizens receive about the environment from journalists and bloggers.
A paper about visual storytelling by U.S. presidential candidates placed second in the visual communication studies division. Janis Page, PhD ’05, George Washington, and Margaret Duffy are the authors.

Two undergraduate students are among the winners. Freshman Mary Ryan worked with Associate Professor Kevin Wise as a Discovery Fellow during the 2012-13 academic year. She plans to continue her research in the PRIME Lab with Professor Glenn Leshner next year. Ryan, from Woodland, Texas, is a double major in journalism and statistics. She plans to study international journalism and use her statistical understanding to help reduce the stigma against math and science.
The University of Missouri Honors College Discovery Fellows program pairs students with faculty mentors on research projects appropriate to their majors.

Junior Erin Morris is a strategic communication major from Springfield, Mo. She plans a career in account planning.
This year’s meeting promises to be the organization’s largest with nearly 600 sessions scheduled and a record number of participants registered.
ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. ICA began more than 50 years ago as a small association of U.S. researchers and is now a truly international association with more than 3,500 members in 65 countries. Since 2003, ICA has been officially associated with the United Nations as a non-governmental association.
Current faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face. Missouri Journalism degrees are listed for alumni.
Communication Science: Evolution, Biology, and Brains: Innovation in Theory and Methods
- Exploring Physical Mobility in Interactive Media Use From an Embodied Cognition Perspective by Kevin Wise.
- Orienting Responses to Expectation Violations in Narrative Processing by Freya Sukalla, Augsburg; Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06.
- Exploring Physical Mobility in Interactive Media Use From an Embodied Cognition Perspective by Kevin Wise.
Global Media Ethics: Problems and Perspectives
- Panel: Lee Wilkins.
Children Adolescents and Media
Media Literacy/Media Education: Guiding Principles and Applied Research
- Mediated Empathy as an Embodied Motivated Process by Anthony Almond, Russell Clayton.
Communication and Technology
Consequences of Individual Differences in Online Environments
- Opportunistic Discovery of Information: Scale Validation by Eunjin Kim, Kevin Wise, Suyoung Moon, Chi Yao.
Cognitive and Behavioral Aspects of Media Use
- Paper Session Chair: Kevin Wise.
Diverse Facets of ICT Use (CAT High Density Panel II)
- The Use of Contestation and Social Norms in Developing Radicalized Discourses Online by Rachel Davis.
News, Reproduced by ICTs
- News in a Multiscreen World: A Taxonomy of Daily Screen Usage for News and Information by Esther Thorson, Eunjin Kim, Margaret Duffy.
Virtual Representation of Self in Online Environments
- The Relative Contributions of Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem to Narcissistic Use of Facebook by Roma Subramanian, Kevin Wise, Doug Davis, Erin Morris, Manu Bhandari.
Communication Law and Policy
Challenges to Regulating Copyright, Trademark, and Defamation
- To Speak or Not to Speak: Recent Developments in U.S. Copyright and Defamation Law by Heath Hooper.
Communication Law and Policy Interactive Poster Session
- A Comparative Study of China and the US: Defamation and the Liability of Internet Service Provider in Social Media Era by Yanfang Wu, William Freivogel, Southern Illinois.
Communication Policy Making in Political and Historical Perspective
- Amending Equal Time: Explaining Institutional Change in American Communication Policy by Tim Vos; Seth Ashley, MA ’02, PhD ’11, Boise State.
Environmental Communication
Blogs, Boundaries, and Burly Brothers: Building New Environmental Understanding with New Media
- Top Faculty Paper. The Changing Nature of Environmental Discourse: An Exploratory Comparison of Environmental Journalists and Bloggers by Edson Tandoc; Bruno Takahashi, Michigan State.
Health Communication
Effective Health and Safety Messages: Overcoming Processing and Dissemination Challenges
- Individual and Social Determinants of Obesity in Strategic Health Messages: Interaction with Political Ideology by Rachel Young, PhD ‘13, Iowa; Amanda Hinnant; Glenn Leshner.
Health Communication and the Mass Media: Advertising and Journalism Issues
- Health Journalism Reform: Cultivating Solutions With Media Logic to Improve Communication about Health Determinants by Amanda Hinnant, Joy Jenkins, Roma Subramanian.
Journalism Studies
The Changing Coverage of Campaigns: The View from the 2012 U.S. Election
- We’re Out Here: How the Daily Yonder’s Political Coverage Builds Social Capital by Alecia Swasy.
- A Commentary Echo Chamber: Twitter as an Information Subsidy in Coverage of U.S. Senate Candidate Todd Akin by Alecia Swasy, Gregory Perreault.
Does Journalism’s For-Profit Ownership Orientation Matter? Evidence from News Coverage
- Murder Incorporated: Organizational Influences on Coverage of the Annie Le Investigation by Patrick Ferrucci.
Everything You Wanted to Know about Peer Review, But Were Afraid to Ask
- Panel Session Chair: Stephanie Craft.
Examining Audiences for Old and New Media Journalism Studies
- Biological-Based Motivational Differences in Perceptions of Assessing News With Mobile Devices and Social Engagement With Online News by Paul Bolls, Heather Shoenberger, Anthony Almond.
- Discovering Media Repertoires: Daily News Source Use by College Students as a Function of Daypart by Margaret Duffy, Eunjin Kim, Bokyung Kim, PhD ’12, Rowan.
Journalism Studies Interactive Poster Session
- Analyzing Web Analytics: How Newsrooms Use Web Metrics in News Construction and Why by Edson Tandoc, Michael Jenner.
News Audiences and New Media: What Do Users Want?
- On the Measurement of Reader Preferences for News Topics: An Application of Choice-Based Conjoint Technique by Vamsi Kanuri, Murali Mantrala, Esther Thorson.
Professional Roles Revisited: Between the Rhetoric on Role Conceptions and Journalistic Performance
- Journalistic Roles and Revisiting Gatekeeping by Tim Vos.
Information Systems
Advances in Health Communication
- Motivated Processing of Message Frames: Third-Person Gain/Loss Frames and Vividness by Hilary Gamble, Missouri; Rachel Davis, Russell Clayton, Di Zhu.
Information Systems Business Meeting
- Participant: Kevin Wise.
Messages, Emotions and Physiological Measures
- Intense News Photos, Motivational Activation and Processing of Online News by Paul Bolls, Jennah Sontag, Rachel Davis.
- Processing of Fear and Disgust in Natural Disaster Images by Rachel Davis, Erika Johnson.
New Media Research
- Hold the Phone: Mobile Phone Haptics and Activation of Socially Relevant Concepts by Kevin Wise, Rachel Young, PhD ’13, Iowa; Mary Ryan, Missouri.
New Methods and Measures, Information Systems
- Explicating Psychological Reactance: Comparing Self-Report and Psychophysiological Measures by Glenn Leshner, Elizabeth L. Gardner, PhD ’10, Texas Tech; Brandon Nutting, South Dakota.
Mass Communication
News Audiences and Public Opinion
- Web Metrics as Heuristics? How Online News Audiences Prioritize Economic and Cultural Capital When Choosing Which News Stories to Read by Edson Tandoc.
Narrative Processes in Media
- The Nature and Embodiment of Narrative Engagement by Freya Sukalla, Augsburg; Helena Bilandzic, Augsburg; Paul Bolls; Rick Busselle, Bowling Green State.
Public Relations
Messages and Credibility
- Does the Race of the Spokesman Matter in Times of Crisis? by Seoyeon Hong, Maria E. Len-Rios.
Public Relations and Communication Channels
- Privacy Concerns When Using Facebook: Does Relational Context Matter? Kyung Jung Han, Bryan Reber, PhD ’01, Georgia.
Public Relations and News
- What Can We Expect From Facebook? by Seoyeon Hong, Bokyung Kim, PhD ’12, Rowan.
Visual Communication Studies
Interactive Paper Session: Visual Storytelling and Impact
- Second Place Paper. What Does Credibility Look Like? Tweets, Walls, and Websites in U.S. Presidential Candidates’ Visual Storytelling by Janis Page, PhD ’05, George Washington; Margaret Duffy.
Visual-Verbal Rhetorics in Play, Persuasion, and Politics
- Text, Image, Violent Games, and God: A Concept Explication of Depiction by Gregory Perreault.
Leadership Activities
Journalism Studies Business Meeting
- Chair: Stephanie Craft.
ICA Annual Board of Directors Meeting
- Stephanie Craft.
Seattle Conference Planning Meeting
- Participant: Kevin Wise.
Updated: July 16, 2020