Missouri Has Strong Presence at International Communication Conference

Faculty, Students and Alumni Present 39 Refereed Papers, Earn 4 Top Paper Awards
Columbia, Mo. (May 28, 2015) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni presented 39 refereed papers at the 65th annual conference of the International Communication Association. The four-day meeting was held May 21-25 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Five of the scholars also chaired and participated in panel sessions or serve in a leadership position.
Two papers received top awards from the Journalism Studies interest group. Doctoral student Joy Jenkins and Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological, won the Top Poster Award for a study on how legacy news organizations have discussed BuzzFeed’s influence on the journalistic field. A paper about how staff members at a local city magazine think about their audience in relationship to advertising and revenue pressures by doctoral student David Wolfgang and Jenkins won the Top Student Paper honor.

Another paper won the Top Paper Award in the Children, Adolescents and the Media division. Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Southern California, and Esther Thorson, associate dean of graduate studies, were two of the five authors on a study about how American youth ages 12 to 17 develop interest in and habits of news consumption, with specific concern for what kind of devices they employ in consuming news.
Assistant Professor Harsh Taneja and co-author Angela Xiao, a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, received the Outstanding Article Award during the conference for “Does the Great Firewall Really Isolate the Chinese? Integrating Access Blockage with Cultural Factors to Explain Web User Behavior.” This award honors an article published in a refereed journal during the previous two calendar years that promises to be influential over time, within a particular field of communication and also across fields.
The conference theme “Communication Across the Life Span” encouraged scholars to explore the multiple ways communication affects, reflects and directs life’s trajectory.
The ICA is the largest international academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication.
Current faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face. Missouri journalism degrees are listed for alumni.
Annual Board of Directors’ Meeting
- Participant: Melissa Click, assistant professor, communication; chair of the popular communication division.
Children, Adolescents and the Media: Youth Engagement With Media: Sharing, Synthesis, and Social Capital
- Sparking Interest, Modeling Consumption: A Contingency Model for Youth News Socialization by Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern; Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Southern California; Esther Thorson, associate dean of graduate studies; Emily Vraga, George Mason; Leticia Bode, Georgetown.
Communication History: The State and Communication Across Borders
- Theorizing Political Communication Policies by Tim Vos, associate professor.
Communication and Technology: Commercial Aspects of Communication and Technology
- Effects of Twitted Commercial Messages on Twitter Users’ Retweet and Purchase Intention by Nazmul Kabir Rony, Oklahoma; Doyle Yoon, MA ’99, PhD ’03, Oklahoma; Rahnuma Ahmed, Oklahoma.
Communication and Technology: Negative Socioemotional Performances in Social Media
- Curbing the Effects of Cyberbullying: How Celebrity Gender and Attractiveness Affect Evaluations and Behavioral Intentions of Anticyberbullying Facebook Posts by Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State; Tegan Marie Smischney, Michigan State; Karen Smreker, Michigan State; Rachel Young, MA ’01, PhD ’13, Iowa; Thomas J. Holt, Michigan State.
Environmental Communication: Media and Communities Across the Life Span: Facing an Environmental Crisis
- Log in if You Survived: Social Media Functions in the Aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Bruno Takahashi, Michigan State.
Environmental Communication and Journalism Studies: Environmental Journalism: Coverage, Reader Response, and Mediators
- Comments on Climate: Does Reader Response Disrupt the Reception of Environmental Journalism Stories? Amanda Hinnant, associate professor; Roma Subramanian, doctoral student; Rachel Young, MA ’01, PhD ’13, Iowa.
Ethnicity and Race in Communication: Ethnicity and Race in Communication Interactive Poster Session
- The Power of a Protest Icon: How Anger, Solidarity, and Subjugation Converged in “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” in Ferguson, Missouri by Margaret Duffy, professor; Janis Teruggi Page, PhD ’05, George Washington; Cynthia Frisby, associate professor; Gregory Perreault, doctoral student; Brad Best, assistant professor.
Feminist Scholarship: Feminist Scholarship Interactive Poster Session
- A Space for Women: Online Commenting Forums as Indicators of Civility and Feminist Community-Building by Joy Jenkins, doctoral student; David Wolfgang, doctoral student.
Feminist Scholarship and Popular Communication: A Much Anticipated Release: Exploring Reactions to Fifty Shades on Film
- Chair: Melissa Click, assistant professor, communication.
- Understanding Fifty Shades of Grey’s Audiences by Melissa Click, assistant professor, communication.
Health Communication: Antialcohol Messages
- Saw it on Facebook, Drank it at the Bar! Effects of Exposure to Facebook Alcohol Ads on Alcohol Consumption by Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State; Anna R. McAlister, Michigan State; Wonkyung Kim, Michigan State; Chen Lou, Michigan State; Carie Cunningham, Michigan State; Elizabeth Taylor Quilliam, Michigan State; Jef Richards, Michigan State.
Health Communication: Diet, Exercise, Weight, and Health
- Women’s Weight and Body Image: How Traditional Media Frame the Controversy by Calli Breil, doctoral student; Samuel Tham, master’s student.
Health Communication: Social Media, Exercise, and Obesity
- The Effects of Twitter Users’ Weight Status and Gender on Attitudes and Viral Behavior Intentions toward Obesity-Related News Coverage by Nasser Almutairi, Michigan State; Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State; Lea Hellmueller, former visiting doctoral scholar, Texas Tech; Erin Willis, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Memphis.
Identity and Nation: Ethnicity and Race in Communication
- The “Single V” Campaign: The Struggle for Nationhood, Citizenship, and Global War in Claudia Jones’ Weekly Review Editorials, 1938-1943 by Cristina Mislan, assistant professor.
Information Systems: Attention, Cognition, and Embodiment
- Crimes Against the Body: An Embodied Cognition Study of How Platform Affects Responses to Crime News by Di Zhu, doctoral student; Paul Bolls, associate professor.
Information Systems Computer-Mediated Communication
- Viral Information: How Distortion About Ebola Can Impact Processing and Beliefs on Twitter by Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, Webster; Russell Clayton, doctoral student; Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD ’14, Oregon; Erika Johnson, MA ’12, doctoral student.
Information Systems: Motivation
- Trait Motivation Activation as a Predictor of Neural Activity During Emotional Image Processing on a Large-Screen TV by Anthony Almond, BJ ’11. MA ’13; Indiana; Sharon Mayell, Indiana; Robert Potter, Indiana.
Information Systems: Studies of Message Properties
- Beyond Ferguson: Implicit Impacts of Source Characteristics on Crisis Attribution by Erika Johnson, MA ’12, doctoral student; Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, Webster; Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD 14, Oregon.
Journalism Studies: Gatekeeping, News Decisions, and Media Logic
- Gatekeeping, Gatekeeping Forces, and Microdocumentary by Nick Michael, MA ’13; Tim Vos, associate professor.
Journalism Studies: Interactive Poster Session
- Top Poster Award: The Feedication of Journalism? How Traditional News Organizations Talk About a New Entrant to the Journalistic Field Will Surprise You! By Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Joy Jenkins, doctoral student.
- Shift in Influence: A Case Study Argument for Changes in Studying Gatekeeping Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder; Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological.
Journalism Studies: News Content Analysis: New Issues, New Directions
- Chair: Tim Vos, associate professor.
Journalism Studies: News Ethnographies in the 21st Century
- Top Student Paper: Crafting a Community: Staff Members’ Conceptions of Audience at a City Magazine by David Wolfgang, doctoral student; Joy Jenkins, doctoral student.
Journalism Studies: Twitter and Social Media as Journalistic Tools
- Frames and Journalistic Roles in Twitter Coverage of the West Virginia Water Crisis by Marina A Hendricks, doctoral student.
Journalism Studies and Communication and Technology: Online Comments and the News: Interactivity, Perception, and Political Function
- New Media, New Phenomena: An Analysis of Online Commenters’ Perceptions of Media and Commenter Performance by David Wolfgang, doctoral student; Ioana Coman.
Journalism Studies and Organizational Communication: The New Organizational Landscape of Journalism
- Times Are a Changin’: How a Merger Affects Construction of News Processes by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder; Frank Russell, doctoral student; Heesook Choi, doctoral student; Margaret Duffy, professor; Esther Thorson, associate dean of graduate studies.
Mass Communication: Advances in Entertainment Media Research
- Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About: Predicting Social Media Engagement, Peer Engagement From Favorite TV Character Perceived Personality Attributes by Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD 14, Oregon; Freya Sukalla, former visiting doctoral scholar, Augsburg; Erika Johnson, MA ’12, doctoral student.
Mass Communication: Issues in the Study of Media Industries
- Chair: Glenn Leshner, professor emeritus, Oklahoma
- The Role of Electronic Word of Mouth in Predicting Bollywood’s Overseas Box Office Performance by Manu Bhandari, doctoral student; Harsh Taneja, assistant professor.
Mass Communication: Social Media and Politics
- Conventional and Dialogical Uses of Social Media in the Newsroom: How Journalists Use Facebook and Twitter, and Why by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological.
- Exploring the Nonrecursive Effects of Twitter Echo-Chambers on Political Information Efficacy, Political Uses of Twitter, and Partisan Affect: A Uses and Gratifications Approach by Benjamin Warner, assistant professor, communication; Molly Greenwood, doctoral student, communication.
Organizational Communication: Interactive Poster Session
- Espoused Moral Muteness: Organizational Values Enabling and Constraining Advertising Ethics by Erin Schauster, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder.
- Negotiating Change: Communicative Performances at a City Magazine by Joy Jenkins, doctoral student; David Wolfgang, doctoral student.
Organizational Communication: Research Escalator – Extended Session
- Respondent: Rebecca Meisenbach, associate professor, communication.
Organizational Communication: Top Four Papers in Organizational Communication
- Resituating Organizational Knowledge: Violence, Intersectionality, and the Privilege of Partial Perspective by Kate Lockwood Harris, assistant professor, communication.
Political Communication: Democratic Deliberation: New Perspectives
- Civility Norms in Public Discourse: An Explication by David Wolfgang, doctoral student.
Political Communication: Influencing the Vote
- The Impact of Enhancing Local Political Election News on Political Knowledge and Participation by Scott Swafford, associate professor; Mikkel Christensen, doctoral student; Esther Thorson, associate dean of graduate studies.
Political Communication: Partisanship, Polarization, and Participation
- Toward an Agonistic Model of Political Polarization by Benjamin Warner, assistant professor, communication; Joshua Hawthorne, doctoral student, communication; Philip Tschirhart, Central Michigan.
Popular Communication: The Life of Fans: Fandom, Identity, and the Life Course
- Living With Fandom: Exploring Martha Stewart Fans’ Growth, Adaptation, and Decline by Melissa Click, assistant professor, communication.
Postconference: Climate and Sustainability Campaigns
- Activist Communication Across Platforms: Social Media and the People’s Climate March by Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Southern California; Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern; Neta Kligler-Vilenchik, Southern California; Kevin Driscoll, Microsoft Research.
Preconference: Stuart Hall and the Future of Media and Cultural Studies
- Participant: Melissa Click, assistant professor, communication.
Visual Communication Studies and Political Communication: The Visual in Politics: Rhetorics, Frames, Effects
- Leaders and Symbols: Constructing Political Images of Presidents in the United States and Russia by Tatsiana Karaliova, doctoral student.
- Visual Frames of Obamacare: The Evolving Roles of Political Cartoons and Memes in Engaging Public Discourse by Marguerite Page, Northern Illinois; Janis Teruggi Page, PhD ’05, George Washington.
- From Hook Up to Pregnancy: Sex, Sexuality, and Media Children Adolescents and the Media: The Influence of a Sexual Media Diet on College Freshmen’s Endorsement of the Hookup Culture, Hookup Behaviors, and Sexual Risk-Taking by Sara Peters, MA ’08, doctoral student, communication; and Jennifer Aubrey, Arizona.
Updated: September 8, 2020