Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students, alumni win awards, present work at annual AEJMC conference

Columbia, Mo. (July 26, 2022) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present 97 peer-reviewed research papers at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Aug. 3-6. In addition, 61 Missouri journalism scholars will serve as moderators, discussants, and panelists during the four-day conference, the first in-person AEJMC gathering in two years.
Among the top awards (School of Journalism faculty, students, and alumni are identified in bold face):
- Carol Burnett Award – Media Ethics Student Paper First Place Paper awarded to Mengyao Xu and Zhujin Guo, University of Missouri, for “Tracking Objectivity in Culture War News Coverage Using Natural Language Processing Tools”
- Carol Burnett Award – Media Ethics Student Paper Second Place Paper awarded to LaRissa Lawrie, University of Missouri, for “A Metajournalistic Discourse Analysis of Cannabis News Reporting”
- Museum of Public Relations History Award awarded to Luke Capizzo, University of Missouri; Mikayla Pevac and Stephanie Madden, Pennsylvania State, for “It’s About (Damn) Time: Community, Temporality and Feminist Values in Activist Public Relations History”
- Gene Burd Excellence in Urban Journalism and Urban Journalism Research Award awarded to Ayleen Cabas-Mijares (PhD ’19), Marquette and Joy Jenkins (PhD ’17), Tennessee
- Linda Shockley Award for Excellence in Teaching awarded to T.J. Thomson (MA ’15, PhD ’18), Queensland University of Technology
The School will also host a reception Aug. 5 from 8–9:30 p.m. in the Detroit Marriott’s Renaissance Center.
Founded in 1912 in Chicago, AEJMC is an international nonprofit organization composed of more than 3,700 faculty, students and administrators at journalism and mass communication schools from more than 50 different countries. AEJMC is dedicated to providing the means necessary to journalism and mass communication educators and students to foster generations of practitioners and educators dedicated to better professional practices and a more informed public.
The full list of faculty, students, and alumni presenting their work at the conference, as well as those serving in leadership and advisory roles, is as follows:
AEJMC Committee Members
Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism & Mass Communication
- Jennifer Greer (BJ 88), University of Kentucky
Professional Freedom and Responsibility Committee
- Amy Falkner (BJ 88), Syracuse University
Publications Committee
- Shahira Fahmy (PhD ’03), American University, Cairo
- Earnest L. Perry (MA ’95, PhD ’98), University of Missouri
- Scott Reinardy (MA ’03, PhD ’06), University of Kansas
Research Committee
- Gregory Perreault (PhD ’15), Appalachian State University
Teaching Committee
- Tracy Everbach (PhD ’04), University of North Texas
AEJMC Division Officers
Advertising Division
- Research Chair, Saleem Alhabash (MA ’09, PhD ’11), Michigan State University
- Special Topics Chair, Eunjin “Anna” Kim (PhD ’15), USC Annenberg
Broadcast and Mobile Journalism Division
- Head, Harrison Hove (MA ’16), University of Florida
Communication Science, Health, Environment, Risk Division
- Secretary, Roma Subramanian (PhD ’16), University of Nebraska, Omaha
Communication Theory and Methodology Division
- Webmaster, Michael Vosburg (MA ’98), North Dakota State University
Cultural and Critical Studies Chair
- Secretary, Joy Jenkins (PhD ’17), University of Tennessee
- PF&R Chair, Chelsea Reynolds (MA ’12), California State University Fullerton
- Research Chair, David Wolfgang (MA ’11, PhD ’12), Colorado State University
History Division
- Publications Chair, Teri Finneman (MA ’10, PhD ’15), University of Kansas
- Research Chair, Rachel Grant (PhD ’18), University of Florida
- Webmaster, Keith Greenwood (PhD ’06), University of Missouri
International Communication Division
- Head, Summer Harlow (BJ ’99), University of Houston
Law and Policy Division
- Secretary, Brett Johnson, University of Missouri
Magazine Media Division
- Vice Chair / Program Chair, Kelsey Whipple (BJ ’10, MA ’11), University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Research Chair, Andrea Hall (MA ’13), Troy University
Media Ethics Division
- Teaching Chair, Chad Painter (MA ’09, PhD ’12), University of Dayton
Newspaper and Online News Division
- Vice Chair / Program Chair, Patrick Ferrucci (PhD ’13), University of Colorado-Boulder
- Secretary, Teri Finneman (MA ’10, PhD ’15), University of Kansas
- PF&R Chair, David Wolfgang (MA ’11, PhD ’12), Colorado State University
Political Communications Division
- Vice Chair / Program Chair, Research Chair Mallory Perryman (BJ ’09, MA ’14), Virginia Commonwealth University
Scholastic Journalism Division
- Head, Marina Hendricks (MA ’05, PhD ’17), South Dakota State University
Visual Communication Division
- PF&R Chair, Shane R. Epping (MA ’09) University of Missouri
- Research Chair, Keith Greenwood (PhD ’06), University of Missouri
- Teaching Chair, Natalia Mielczarek (MA ’01), Virginia Tech
- Newsletter Editor, Ivy Ashe (MA ’10), University of Texas-Austin
AEJMC Interest Group Officers
Community Journalism
- PF&R Chair, Joy Jenkins (PhD ’17), University of Tennessee-Knoxville
- Teaching Chair, Mimi Perreault (PhD ’16), East Tennessee State
Entertainment Studies
- Research Chair, Kelsey Whipple (BJ ’10, MA ’11), University of Massachusetts Amherst
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer
- Vice Head / Program Chair, Harrison Hove (MA ’16), University of Florida
Participatory Journalism
- Vice-Head / Program Chair, You Li (MA ’08, PhD ’12), Michigan University
- Research Co-Chair, Carrie Brown (PhD ’08), City University of New York
AEJMC Commissions
Commission on the Status of Women
- Vice Head / Program Chair, Mimi Perreault (PhD ’16), East Tennessee State University
- Research Co-Chair, Ayleen Cabas-Mijares (PhD ’19), Marquette
Advertising Division
- Extended Abstract — Sounds Right? How Pitch Affects the Effectiveness of Taste versus Nutrition Claims in Food Advertising • Tianjiao Wang, Bradley; Rachel Bailey (MA ’08), Florida State and Uyen Nguyen, Bradley.
- Extended Abstract — Artificial But Not Intelligent: Navigating Consumers’ Perceived Source Credibility of AI Influencers on Instagram • Weilu Zhang (PhD ’22), University of Missouri
- Age and Social Comparison as Antecedents of Attitude toward Masculinity-Focused Strategic Campaigns • Miglena Sternadori (MA ’06, PhD ’08), Texas Tech and Alan Bitbol, Dayton
- Brand Feedback Effects and Moderating Roles of Product Type and Price • Manu Bhandari (MA ’10, PhD ’15), Arkansas State
- Third Place Graduate and Undergraduate Student Paper Award Winner: How Should We “Sell” Lives? The Perceptions of Domestic Violence Public Service Advertisements: A Pilot Study • Evgeniia Belobrovkina, University of Missouri
Broadcast and Mobile Journalism Division
- When Journalists are Voiceless: How Lifestyle Journalists Cover Hate and Mitigate Harassment • Gregory Perrault (Ph.D. ’15), Appalachian State and Kaitlin Miller, Alabama
- Extended Abstract — Sound Judgement: Analyzing Metajournalistic Discourse about the Ethics of the New York Times Caliphate Podcast • Kelsey Whipple (BJ ’10, MA ’11), Massachusetts-Amherst
Chinese Communication Association
- Moral Panics and Violent Public Opinions Caused by the Pandemic: Analysis of Texts and Data on Shenyang’s No. 1 Covid-19 Case by Using Moral Panic Theory • Lu Feng, Liaoning University, Fritz Cropp (PhD ’96), Ernest Zhang (PhD ’08), and Tianting Zhang (MA ’21), University of Missouri
Commission on the Status of Women
- Audience Perceptions of Female Characters in Chinese Documentaries: An Experimental Study in Chinese and U.S. Participants • Tianting Zhang (MA ’21), University of Missouri
- Top Faculty-Student Paper: Medical Communication, Internalized “Good Mother” Norms, and Feminist Self-Identification as Predictors of Maternal Burnout • Miglena Sternadori (MA ’05, PhD ’08) and Daisy Milman, Texas Tech
- Top Paper: The Influence of Indigenous Standpoint: Examining Indian Country Press Portrayals of Native Women in Politics • Melissa Greene-Blye and Teri Finneman (MA ’10, PhD ’15) Kansas
- Look, But Don’t Touch: Examining Afghan Women’s Voices, Diasporic Activism, and Global Responses to the #DoNotTouchMyClothes Campaign • Sara Shaban (PhD ’20), Seattle Pacific
Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- Extended Abstract — The Carrot or the Stick? Effects of Reinforcement and Public Trust in Government on Parental Decision on COVID-19 Vaccination for Teens • EunHae Park (PhD ’14), Ball State and SeoYeon Kim, Alabama
- Understanding HIV Vaccine Communication on Twitter: Drivers of Information Diffusion and Dimensions of Anti-Vaccine Discourse • Jueman Mandy Zhang (MA ’05), Long Island; Yi Wan, Louisville; Magali Mouton, Long Island and Jixuan Zhang, affiliation
- Extended Abstract — “CNN CAN KISS MY AS$”: Describing Hyperpartisan U.S. News Consumption and Consumers from a 10k Sample • Andrea Lorenz (MA ’05), Carolyn Schmitt, Shannon McGregor, and Dan Malmer, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Extended Abstract — What Mobilizes Political Satire Viewers: The Role of Partisanship and Discussion Networks in the Effects of Political Satire Viewing on Political Participation • Heesook Choi (PhD ’19), Mississippi State
- Trump’s Appeals to Populism in Immigration Tweets: Content Analysis Using Immigrants as Victims, Heroes, Threats • Joyce Glasscock (BJ ’85), Kansas State
- Understanding Barriers to Parental Mediation of Digital Media: A Mixed-Methods Approach • Rachel Young (MA ’01, PhD ’13) and Melissa Tully, Iowa; Leandra Parris, William & Mary; Marizen Ramirez, Minnesota; Mallory Bolenbaugh, Iowa; and Ashley Hernandez, Minnesota
- Third Place Faculty Paper: Communicating Health Literacy about Pharmaceutical Medication on Social Media: “It Works for Me, but May Not For You” • Erin Willis (MA ’08), Kate Friedel, Mark Heisten, and Melissa Pickett, Colorado at Boulder
- Extended Abstract — How Ethical Ideologies Influence Mask Wearing in Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Moral Obligation and Threat to Freedom • Surin Chung, Ohio; Eunjin Kim (PhD ’15), Southern California; Suman Lee, North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Euirang Lee (MA ’18), Ohio
Communication Technology Division
- Problematic Internet Use Amidst a Global Pandemic: The Effects of Actual and Percieved Isolation • Vanessa Chan, Zhang Hao Goh, and Edson Tandoc Jr. (PhD ’13), Nanyang Technological University
- Trust in the Novel?: Exploration of the Effectiveness of Virtual Influencers • Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Southern California; Heather Shoenberger (MA ’06, PhD ’14), Pennsylvania State; Esther Thorson, Michigan State; Zihang E, and Donggyu Kim, Southern California
Communication Theory and Methodology Division
- [EA] Advancing Discursive Opportunity Structure: The Racial Justice Discourses by News and Non-news Local Community Organizations on Facebook • Yingying Chen, South Carolina; Hyesun Choung, Ava Francesca Battocchio, Marisa Smith, Dan Hiaeshutter-Rice, Melody Draeger and Chuqing Dong, Michigan State, and Anli Xiao (MA ’14), South Carolina
- Localizing Social Justice Stories: Social Media and Local Civic Information Infrastructure in Six Midwestern United States Communities • Ava Francesca Battocchio, Kjerstin Thorson (MA ’07), Dan Hiaeshutter-Rice and Marisa Smith, Michigan State; Yingying Chen, South Carolina, Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern, Kelley Cotter, Pennsylvania State, Katherine Denzin, Hyesun Choung, Chuqing Dong and Moldir Moldagaliyeva, Michigan State Chris Etheridge, Kansas, Melody Draeger, Sabrina Kohlmeier, and Lydia Werth, Michigan State
- Doing Good, Being Well: Investigating the Psychosocial Impacts of Prosocial and Antisocial Internet Use • Dion Kai Jun Wong, Zhang Hao Goh, Langcheng Zhang, and Edson Tandoc Jr (PhD ’13), Nanyang Technological University
Community Journalism Interest Group
- Community Journalism as an Instrument of Resistance: The Case of the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service • Ayleen Cabas-Mijares (PhD ’19), Marquette and Joy Jenkins (PhD ’17), Tennessee
- Community and Citizen Engagement and Local Storytelling Network: Providing “Life-saving and Livelihood-saving Information through RADIOABC • Deborah Chung (BJ ’96) and Kathleen Urch, Kentucky
- Reporting Rural Hate: Marginal Categories in Rural Journalism • Gregory Perreault (PhD ’15), Appalachian State; Ruth Moon, Louisiana State; Jessica Fargen Walsh, Nebraska-Lincolnand Mimi Wiggins Perreault (PhD ’16), East Tennessee State
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
- What Actually is Peace Journalism? Uncovering Its (Lack of) Definition and Related Practices • Sima Bhowmik and Patrick Ferrucci (PhD ’13), Colorado at Boulder
- How Surveillance Capitalists Disrupt Privacy, Distort Moral Autonomy, and Harm Democracy • Joseph Jones (PhD ’21), West Virginia
- #SayHerName: The WNBA and Black Women Athletes’ Social Activism • Tracy Everbach (PhD ’04), Gwendelyn Nisbett, and Karen Weiller-Abels, North Texas
- Promotional Merchandise for The Apprentice as Nascent Trumpian Authority • Matthew McAllister, Cecilia Salomone (MA ’17), and Matthew Cikovic, Pennsylvania State
- Fear and Balanced: The World According to the Foxnews.com Homepage • Fred Vultee (MA ’04, PhD ’07), Wayne State
- With Age Comes (Energy) Wisdom): An Ethnological Approach to Science Communication, Older Adults, and Energy Sources in Three Southeast Asian Countries • Karryl Kim Sagun Trjano, Wenqi Tan, Shirley S. Ho, and Edson Tandoc, Jr. (PhD ’13), Nanyang Technological University
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
- A Theoretical Model for Understanding Journalism and Film • Patrick Ferrucci (PhD ’13), Colorado-Boulder
- Building Boundaries: The Depiction of Digital Journalists in Popular Culture • Chad Painter (MA ’09, PhD ’12), Dayton and Patrick Ferrucci (PhD ’13), Colorado-Boulder
History Division
- Third Place Faculty Paper: First Chinese American Newspaperwoman: Mamie Louise Leung at Los Angeles Record, 1926-1929 • Yu-li Chang Zacher (MA ’91), Bethel
- “Mystery People”: Tri-Racial Isolate Newspaper Coverage and Conceptions of Race from 1880-1943 • Jodi Friedman (MA ’13), Maryland
- Walter Lippmann’s Public Opinion 100 years later: Journalism and Its Role in Democracy • Peter Gade (PhD ’99), Oklahoma
International Communication Division
- Extended Abstract — To Quit or Not to Quit: Voluntary Turnover Among Millennial English-Language Journalists in Indonesia • Indah Setiawati, University of Missouri and Ryan Thomas, Washington State
- Engaging on News Portals in South Korea: Factors Predicting Reading and Posting Activities • Deborah Chung (BJ ’96) and Hyun Ju Jeong, Kentucky andSeungahn Nah, Oregon
- The Iconography of Mental Illness: How do Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in India Focusing on Mental Health use Instagram? • Roma Subramanian (PhD ’16), Julia Quigleyand Rachel Young (MA ’01,PhD ’13), Iowa
- Extended Abstract — News Labs as Change Agents: The Role of Media “Sandboxes” in Facilitating Newsroom Innovation • Jane B Singer (PhD ’96), City, University of London, Jose A. Garcia-Aviles, Miguel Hernandez University, Sonja Kretzschmar, Bundeswehr University Munich, Ana Marta M. Flores, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Hannes Cools, KU Leuven, Julia Eyrich-Welzl, Bundeswehr University Munich, Giulia Ferri and Ana Cecilia Bisso Nunes, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Colin Porlezza, Università della Svizzera Italiana
- Framing the United States and Russia Coverage: The Limited Agency of Foreign Correspondents and the Reproduction of Bias in the News • Iuliia Alieva (MA ’17, PhD ’21), Carnegie Mellon University and Natasha Bluth, California, Los Angeles
- “Biden’s Saigon:” A Metaphor Analysis of Sputnik’s Coverage of the American Withdrawal from Afghanistan • Ivanka Pjesivacand Leslie Klein (MA ’21), Georgia; Iveta Imre, Mississippi, and Ana Petrov, Toronto
- Journalistic Roles During Crisis: How Journalists in Belarus Define their Roles During Major Political Unrest • Tatsiana Karaliova (PhD ’17); Butler
- Extended Abstract — Influence of Presumed Misinformation Influence? Correcting Misinformation About Nuclear Energy in Indonesia • Shirley S. Ho, Peihan Yu, Agnes Chuah, and Edson Tandoc Jr. (PhD ’13), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Cuban Twitter-Sphere • Aliaa El Shabassy, Nouran Mohamed Nour El Dine Abdo Abdel Ghaffar; Laila Abbas, Shahira Fahmy (PhD ’03), Sherry Ayad, and Mirna Ibrahim, The American University in Cairo
- TikTok Intifada: Analyzing Social Media Activism Among Youth • Laila Abbas, Shahira Fahmy (PhD ’03), Sherry Ayad, Mirna Ibrahim and Abdelmoneim Hany Ali, The American University in Cairo
Law and Policy Division
- Extended Abstract — Dead Precedents, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the FMI v. Argus Leader Decision • Daxton Stewart (MA ’04, PhD ’08), Texas Christian and Amy Kristin Sanders, Texas at Austin
- Communication Regulation on Campus: From Chilling Effect to the Spiral of Silence • William Davie (MA ’77), Louisiana at Lafayette
Magazine Media Division
- Low Status to High Status: Fashion Journalism — a Conceptual Explication • Lisa Lenoir, University of Missouri
- Top Paper: Finger on the Pulse of Lifestyle Coverage: Redefining What It Means to Be a City/Regional Magazine in the Time of Covid-19 • Adam Pitluk (BJ ’99), Coastal Carolina
Mass Communication and Society Division
- Third Place, Open Competition Paper: Down for a Lockdown? Understanding Lockdown Preparedness through a Social Vulnerability Perspective • Zhang Hao Goh and Edson Tandoc Jr (PhD ’13), Nanyang Technological University
- First Place, Student Competition Paper: Defining, Validating and Testing News Skepticism: A News Literacy Approach • Tamar Wilner (MA ’18), Gyo Hyun Koo, and Cameron McCann, Texas at Austin
- Extended Abstract — “Vaccines Kill People”: Collaborative Fact-checking to Combat Covid-19 Vaccine Misinformation • Jane B Singer (PhD ’96), City University of London
- Extended Abstract — The Amplification Effects of Camera Point-of-View (POV) Revisited—Racial Disparity in Evaluations of Police Use of Force Videos in the Post-George Floyd Era • Yaojun Yan, Indiana; Glenna Read, Georgia and Rachel Bailey (BJ ’07), Florida State
- Shifting the Protest Paradigm? Legitimizing and Humanizing Protest Coverage Lead to More Positive Attitudes toward Protest, Mixed Results on News Credibility • GinaMasullo, Texas at Austin; Danielle Brown, Minnesota and Summer Harlow (BJ ’99), Houston
- Extended Abstract — Mask-wearing as an Unspoken Statement of One’s Identity During the COVID-19 Pandemic • Ja Kyung Seo and Yan Jin (MA ’02, PhD ’05), Georgia
Media Ethics Division
- Top Faculty Paper Award: Consumer Perceptions of Ad Ethicality in Loot Box Promotions • Kimberly Kelling (BJ ’11, PhD ’18), Wisconsin-Oshkosh and Samuel Tham (MA ’15), Colorado State
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities and Communications in Response to the COVID Crisis: Evidence from the U.S. • Hyun Ju Jeong and Deborah Chung (BJ ’96), Kentucky
- Second Place Top Faculty Paper: What is Media Ethics? A Systematic Review Charting the Evolution of a Subfield • Chad Painter (MA ’09, PhD ’12), Dayton; Patrick Ferrucci (PhD ’13), Erin Schauster (PhD ’13) and Michelle Rossi, Colorado at Boulder
- Extended Abstract – Flag Lapel Pin Ban: 20-Year Retrospective on the Discourses About Journalistic Ethics, Objectivity, and Patriotism • Cory MacNeil, Amanda Hinnant, and Asma Khanom, University of Missouri
- Media Culpa: Three News Organizations’ Apologies for Complicity in Systemic Racism • Michael Fuhlhage (PhD ’07), Wayne State and Lee Wilkins (BJ ’71), University of Missouri
- Top Student Paper/Carol Burnett Award Winner: Tracking Objectivity in Culture War News Coverage Using Natural Language Processing Tools • Mengyao Xu and Zhujin Guo, University of Missouri
- Second Place Student Paper/Carol Burnett Award Runner Up: A Metajournalistic Discourse Analysis of Cannabis News Reporting • LaRissa Lawrie, University of Missouri
- Professional Relevance Award: Transparency, Disclosure and Autonomy: Moral Judgment and Attitudes toward Branded Content among Media Workers • Patrick Plaisance (BJ ’85) andJin Chen,Pennsylvania State
- Pennsylvania State Davis Ethics Award: If It Feeds, It Leads: Eating, Media, Identity, and Ecofeminist Food Journalism • Joseph Jones (Ph.D. ’21), West Virginia
- Extended Abstract – Obituaries and the Good Life • Sandra L. Borden (BJ ’85), Western Michigan
Media Management, Economics and Entrepreneurship Division
- First Place Student Paper: What Should We Do? Perceptions on Managers’ Roles and Policy in Managing Social Media Use • Vy Luong, University of Missouri
- Uncertainty in Journalism: A Concept Explication • Asma Khanom, University of Missouri
Minorities and Communication Division
- “Another Echo For Change:” The Ohio Anti-Lynching Campaign of Harry C. Smith and the Cleveland Gazette • Claire Rounkles, University of Missouri
- Third Place Faculty Paper: Rehistoricizing Black Masculinity in The Wonder Years Reboot • Rachel Grant (PhD ’18) and Hayley Markovich, Florida
Newspaper and Online News Division
- Extended Abstract — “Determining Who to Point the Finger At”: Politics and Journalistic Identity at U.S. Alternative Newsweeklies • Joy Jenkins (PhD ’17), Tennessee and Kelsey Whipple (BJ ’10, MA 11), Massachusetts at Amherst
- Personal And Professional Identities Boundaries: Where Does the Journalist End and The Citizen Begin? • Vy Luong, University of Missouri
- A Big Data Analysis of Information about COVID-19 Vaccines on Twitter and Newspapers: An Intermedia Agenda-setting Approach • Yi Wang, Louisville; Xiuli Wang, Peking; Jueman (Mandy) Zhang (MA ’05), Long Island; Molu Shi, Louisville, and Wayne Wanta, Florida
- War of the Words: How Individuals Respond to “Fake News” as Term • Edson Tandoc Jr. (PhD ’13), Nanyang Technological University
- Extended Abstract — Trust and Political Orientation Influence News Consumers’ Acceptance of Journalists as Political and Social Actors • Greg Munno and Alex Richards (MA ’07), Syracuse and Kate Farrish, Central Connecticut State
- Journalism After Life: Obituaries as Metajournalistic Discourse • Gregory Perreault (PhD ’15), Appalachian State; Edson Tandoc Jr (Ph.D. ’13), Nanyang Technological; and Leonardo Caberlon, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
- Third Place Top Paper: Curating Culture: How U.S. Arts and Culture Journalists Perceive the Purpose and Value of Their Work • Kelsey Whipple (BJ ’10, MA 11), Massachusetts at Amherst
- Second Place MacDougall Student Paper: COVID-19 as a Contributing Factor to Job Satisfaction and Alienation Among Journalists • Kathleen Alaimo (MA ’14) and Miles Davis, Colorado-Boulder
Participatory Journalism Interest Group
- Show Me the Facts: Transparency Acts of Newsroom-affiliated and Independent Fact-checkers in Asia • Seth Seet and Edson Tandoc Jr (PhD ’13), Nanyang Technological University
Political Communication Division
- Seeing “Us” and “Them”: How Political Symbols Polarize Through Anger, Anxiety, and Enthusiasm • Christian Overgaardand Renita Coleman (MA ’97, PhD ’01), Texas at Austin
- Making Us Both Uninformed and Misinformed: Exploring How Social Media Affects Political Knowledge • Sangwon Lee, New Mexico State; Edson Tandoc Jr. (PhD ’13)., Nanyang Technological University, and Trevor Diehl, Central Michigan
- Third Place Open Competition: How Coordinated Disinformation Campaigns against Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Influence International Community on Twitter • Iuliia Alieva (MA ’17, PhD ’21), J.D. Moffitt, and Kathleen M. Carley, Carnegie Mellon University
Public Relations Division
- Modeling “Calling In” Versus “Calling Out” Culture • Teresa Mastinand Anastasia G. Kononova (PhD ’10), Michigan State
- Internal Crisis Communication: The Effects of Negative Employee-Organization Relationships on Internal Reputation and Employees’ Unsupportive Behavior • James Ndone (PhD ’21), Coastal Carolina University
- The Role of Ethical Judgment in Employee Commitment under the COVID19 Outbreak: From CSR Engagement to Positive WOM Behaviors • Keonyoung Park, Hong Kong Baptist University; Yang Alice Cheng (PhD ’17), North Carolina State and Hua Jiang, Syracuse
- Museum of Public Relations History Award: It’s About (Damn) Time: Community, Temporality, and Feminist Values in Activist Public Relations History • Luke Capizzo, University of Missouri; Mikayla Pevac, and Stephanie Madden, Pennsylvania State
- First Place Teaching Competition Paper: Accomplices in the Public Relations Classroom: An Autoethnography of Social-justice and Anti-Racism-Informed Teaching • Luke Capizzo, University of Missouri; Adrienne Wallace, Grand Valley State; Nneka Logan, Virginia Tech, and Katie Place, Quinnipiac
- Panelist for The Future of Critical Research in Public Relations Practice and Pedagogy:
- Applying Critical Theory in Reconceptualizing PR as a Profession Luke Capizzo, University of Missouri
- The role of trauma-informed communication practices and pedagogies Chelsea Reynolds (MA ’12), California State, Fullerton
Scholastic Journalism Division
- Top Faculty Paper: Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. and Regulating Off-campus Student Expression: The Good News for College Student Journalists • Leslie Klein (MA ’21) and Jonathan Peters (PhD ’13), Georgia
- Top Student Paper: “Change Is Inevitable:” How Safety Valve Theory Can Expand Protections for Positively Disruptive Student Expression • Leslie Klein (MA ’21), Georgia
South Asia Communication Association (SACA)
- Democracy in Action: Press Coverage of 2019 Elections in India The Interplay of Money and Politics • Jiafei Yin (MA ’87, PhD ’97),Central Michigan, and Archana Kumari, Central University of Jammu, India
Sports Communication Interest Group
- LPGA Players’ Standpoint and the Quest for Equity in Golf • Karen Weiller-Abels, Tracy Everbach (PhD ’04), Miranda Holland, and Madison Hurd, North Texas
- “We F—ing Got Osuna”: Examining the Maintenance of Patriarchy and Journalistic Routines in a Major League Baseball clubhouse • Kelsey Whipple (BJ ’10, MA 11), Massachusetts-Amhurst; Vincent Peña, Texas at Austin and Shane Graber, Norwich
Visual Communication Division
- Extended Abstract — Is a Graph Worth a Thousand Words? The Effect of Data Visualization on Perception of News about COVID-19 • Iuliia Alieva (MA ’17, PhD ’21), Carnegie Mellon
- Second Place Top Faculty Paper: Concrete or Abstract? The Effects of Picture Concreteness and Mental Illness Prevalence on Destigmatizing Mental Illnesses • Roma Subramanian (PhD ’16), Nebraska-Omaha; Sungkyoung Lee, University of Missouri; Jonathan Santo, and Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway, Nebraska-Omaha
Updated: July 28, 2022