Missouri Journalism Faculty, Graduate Students and Alumni to Present More than 80 Papers at AEJMC Conference

“Data Journalism and Sports: The Analytics That Shape Narratives and Drive Business” will be presented from 5-6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 9, in the Great American Room of the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile.
13 Papers Earn Top Research Honors; J-Schoolers to Serve as Moderators, Discussants, Panelists and Workshop Leaders
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 2, 2017) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present more than 80 peer-reviewed research papers – 13 of these earning top research awards – at the upcoming Aug. 8-12 conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in Chicago.
More than 2,000 journalism and mass communication scholars are expected to attend the 2017 AEJMC annual conference. Dean David Kurpius will host a Missouri School of Journalism reception for convention-goers from 8:30-10 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 10 at the Chicago Marriott Downtown.
The school will also host a panel session, “Data Journalism and Sports: The Analytics That Shape Narratives and Drive Business,” from 5-6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 9 in the Great American Room of the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile. Dan Migala, BJ ’96, will lead the discussion, and Earnest Perry, associate dean for Graduate Studies of the school, will serve as moderator.
Twelve top paper awards were earned in 11 divisions and interest groups: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Elected Standing Committee on Teaching; Advertising; Cultural and Critical Studies; Electronic News; Entertainment Studies; Law and Policy; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer; Magazine; Media Ethics; Minorities and Communication; Newspaper and Online News; and Small Programs.
In addition, more than 40 Missouri journalism scholars will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders during the four-day conference. More than 2,000 scholars from the U.S. and abroad are expected to attend.
Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face.
AEJMC Council of Affiliates
- Mediating Misogyny: Gender, Technology and Harassment by Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, North Texas.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Elected Standing Committee on Teaching
- Antecedents of Consumers’ Avoidance of Native Advertising on Social Media: Social Media-related Factors, Institution-based Trust Factors, and Ad Perceptions by Soojung Kim, Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, North Dakota; Chang-Dae Ham, PhD ’11, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Amanda Pasierb, North Dakota.
- Third-Place Advertising Division Open Research Paper Award (Tied). Danger or Fear? Examining Consumers’ Blocking Intention of Online Behavioral Advertising: Integration of the Persuasion Knowledge Model and the Extended Parallel Processing Model by Chang-Dae Ham, PhD ’11, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, and Soojung Kim, North Dakota.
- Direct-to-Consumer Advertising, Vulnerability and Ethics of Care by Tara Walker and Erin Schauster, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder.
- Investigating Psychophysiological Processing of Alcohol Advertising on Social Media Among Underage Minors: Policy Implications by Juan Mundel, DePaul; Kristen Lynch, Michael Nelson, Emily Clark, Tao Deng, Ali Hussain, Duygu Kanver, Yadira Nieves-Pizarro, Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Anna McAlister, Elizabeth Quilliam and Jef Richards, Michigan State.
- Is It the Ad or What Precedes It? Responses to Ads Following Emotional Content, an Excitation Transfer by Perspective Kristen Lynch, Tao Deng, Olivia Ju Young Lee, Ali Hussain, Emily Clark, Alex Torres, and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
Commission on the Status of Women
- Cocks, Glocks and Culture Shocks: Feminist Expression and the Protest Paradigm in Coverage of a Demonstration Against Texas’ Campus-Carry Law by Deepa Fadnis, and Kelsey Whipple, BJ ’07 MA ’11 Texas at Austin.
- Feel-Good Smoking Prevention Messages – Nostalgia vs. Fear vs. Disgust by Ali Hussain, Tao Deng, and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
- #WhyIMarch: Protest Frames and Feminism Discourses on Women’s March Facebook Pages by Hong Vu and Hyunjin Seo, MA ’92, Kansas.
Communicating Science, Health Environment and Risk Division
- Blinded by the Blu Light: Consumer Perceptions and Electronic Cigarette Advertising Strategies by Matt Haught, Memphis, and Erin Willis, MA’08, PhD ’11, Colorado-Boulder.
- Cancer Selfies: Implicit Representations of Cancer and Gender on Instagram by Allison Lazard, North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Avery Holton, Utah, Tamar Wilner, Missouri, Shannon Zenner, and Alexandra Cannon, North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Consideration of Future Consequences and Persuasion: The Processing of Messages About Intertemporal Behaviors by Hanyoung Kim, Sungsu Kim, and Yan Jin, PhD ’05, Georgia.
- Effects of Inoculation Messages and Tone of Voice on HPV Vaccine Compliance by EunHae Park, PhD ’14, and Glen Cameron, Missouri.
- Feel-Good Smoking Prevention Messages – Nostalgia vs. Fear vs. Disgust by Ali Hussain, Tao Deng, and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
- Media Coverage, Environmental Conditions, and Climate Change Policy: An Examination of Their Effect on Awareness of Consequences by Bruno Takahashi, Michigan State and Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological University.
- Words That May Hurt: Health Journalists, Chronic Pain, and the Opioid Epidemic by Mugur Geana, PhD ’06 and Scott Reinardy, MA ’03, PhD ’06 Kansas.
Communication Technology Division
- Responding to Racism: Bystander Responses to Racist Posts on Social Media by Rachel Young, PhD ’13, Iowa; Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michael Nelson, Maddie Barnes and Alex Torres, Michigan State.
Communication Theory and Methodology
- Emotions, Political Context and Partisan Selective Sharing on Facebook by Yingyin Chen, Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Michigan State University.
- News Gatekeeping and Socially Interactive Functions of Twitter: An Algorithmic Content Analysis by Frank Russell. PhD ’16, California State, Fullerton; Katie Yaeger, BJ ’15, MA ’17, and Jennifer Para, Missouri.
- Reporting the Future of News: Constructing Risks and Benefits for Journalism, Silicon Valley, and Citizens by Frank Russell, PhD ’16, California State, Fullerton.
- Responding to Racism: Bystander Responses to Racist Posts on Social Media by Rachel Young, PhD ’13, Iowa; Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michael Nelson, Maddie Barnes and Alex Torres, Michigan State.
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
- Third Place Faculty Paper. Protest in Mainstream and Alternative Media by David Wolfgang, PhD ’16, Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17.
- The Securitization Presidency: Evaluation, Exception and the Irreplaceable Nation In Campaign Discourse by Fred Vultee, MA ‘ 04, PhD ’07, Wayne State.
Electronic News Division
- Framing Violence and Protest at Standing Rock by Gino Canella and Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder.
- Mobile Journalism as Lifestyle Journalism? Field Theory in the Integration of Mobile in the Newsroom and Mobile Journalist Role Conception by Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State and Kellie Stanfield, Missouri.
- Moments to Discover: A Longitudinal Panel Analysis of Media Displacement/Complementarity of Social Networking Sites and Traditional Media by Yee Man Margaret Ng, Kyser Lough, Jeremy Shermak, MA ’16, and Thomas Johnson, Texas at Austin.
- Paper Winner. The Local TV News Digital Footprint: Is Local Content Vanishing Amid Climate of Consolidation? by Harrison Hove, MA ’16 Beverly Horvit and James Endersby, Missouri.
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
- Top Student Paper. Behind the Music: How Music Journalists Understand Their Roles and Their Readers by Kelsey Whipple, BJ ’10, MA ’11, Texas at Austin.
Graduate Student Interest Group
- Social News: Enhancing Media Richness by Connecting Virtuality with Reality in Cyberspace by Yanfang Wu, Missouri.
History Division
- Functionalist Explanations in Media Histories: A Historiographical Essay by Tim Vos, Missouri.
- Not Your Grandpa’s Hoax: A Comparative History of Fake News by Julien Gorbach, PhD ’13 Hawaii Manoa.
International Association for Literary Journalism Studies
- Kapuscinski on Representation: An Immersion Journalism Approach by Carlos A. Cortes-Martinez, Missouri.
International Communication Division
- Comparing Journalistic Interventionism in News Content Cross-Nationally by Lea Hellmueller, Houston; Claudia Mellado, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaíso; Maria Luisa Humanes, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; Mireya Marquez, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de Mexico; Adriana Amado, Universidad Nacional de la Matanza; Jacques Mick, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Colin Sparks, Hong Kong Baptist University; Dasniel Olivera and Martin Oller Alonso, Universidad de La Habana; Cornelia Mothes, Technische Universitat Dresden; Nikos Panagiotou, Aristotle University; Wang Haiyan, Sun Yat-Sen University; Gabriella Szabo, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Henry Silke, University of Limerick, Ireland; Moniza Waheed, Universiti Putra, Malaysia, Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Agnieszka Stepinska, University of Poznan, Poland; Daniel Beck, University of Fribourg, Switzerland; and Svetlana Pasti, University of Tampere, Finland.
- Individualizing Depression Responsibilities on Chinese Social Media: Analyzing the Weibo Framing of Three Key Players Yuan Zhang, Westfield State; Yifeng Lu, Chinese University of Petroleum by Yan Jin, PhD ’05, Georgia and Yubin Wang, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics.
- “Tremendously Irritated:” Media Trust among Urban Brazilian News Consumers by Flavia Milhorance and Jane B. Singer, PhD ’96, City University of London.
Korean American Communication Association
- Does Fear of Isolation Disappear Online? Anonymity- and Attention-seeking Motivations behind Online Political News Consumption and Discourse by KyuJin Shim, Singapore Management University; Soo-Kwang (Klive) Oh, MA ’10, Pepperdine.and Soojin Kim, Singapore Management University.
Law and Policy Division
- Killer Apps: Vanishing Messages, Encrypted Communications, and the Challenges to Freedom of Information Laws. Daxton Stewart, MA ’04, LLM ’07, PhD ’09, Texas Christian.
- Third Place Faculty Paper. Say This, Not That: Government Regulation and Control of Social Media by Nina Brown, Syracuse, and Jon Peters, PhD ’13, Kansas.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Interest Group
- Top Student Paper. The “Dangle” Angle: Examining Incivility in Online Discourse About Transgender Rights by Kelsey Whipple, BJ ’10, MA ’11, Texas at Austin.
Magazine Media Division
- “As Long as I Find Myself Adequate:” Effects of Exposure to Fashion, Celebrity, and Fitness Magazines on Disordered Eating by Shelby Weber and Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Texas Tech.
- Exploring the Concept of Sustainability within the GD USA Magazine by Szilvia Kadas and Bob Britten, PhD ’08, West Virginia.
- Top Student Paper. Urban Matters: The Convergence and Contrasts of Journalistic Identity, Organizational Identity, and Community Identity at a City Magazine by Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17.
Mass Communication and Society
- Audiences’ Acts of Authentication: A Conceptual Framework by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Richard Ling, Oscar Westlund, Andrew Duffy, and Debbie Goh, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
- Committed Participation or Flashes of Action? Bursts of Attention to Climate Change on Twitter by Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Michigan State and Luping Wang, Cornell.
- Journalists Primed: How Professional Identity Affects Moral Decision Making by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado; Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological University and Erin Schauster, PhD ’13, Colorado.
- The Needle and the Damage Done: Framing the Heroin Epidemic in the Cincinnati Enquirer by Erin Willis, MA ’08 PhD ’11, Colorado-Boulder and Chad Painter, MA ’09 PhD ’12, Dayton.
Media Ethics Division
- A History of Media Ethics: From Application to Theory and Back Again by Lee Wilkins, BJ ’71, Wayne State.
- Third Place Student Paper. Ethical, Moral, and Professional Standards in Journalism Practice: A Baseline Definition of Journalistic Integrity by Kimberly Kelling, Missouri.
- Falsity, Fakery and Carbon Monoxide: A Typology of Fake News and an Ethical Approach by Fred Vultee, MA ’04, PhD ’07, Wayne State.
- Here’s What BuzzFeed Journalists Think of Their Journalism by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, and Cassie Yuan Wen Foo, Nanyang Technological University.
- “I’m More Ethical Than You”: Third-person and First-person Perception Among American Journalists by Angela Lee, Texas at Dallas and Renita Coleman, MA ’97, PhD ’01, Texas at Austin.
- Second Place Faculty Paper. Management of Journalism Transparency: Journalists’ Perceptions of Organizational Leaders’ Management of an Emerging Professional Norm by Peter Gade, PhD ’99, Shugofa Dastgeer, Christina Childs DeWalt, Emmanuel-Lugard Nduka, Seunghyun Kim, Desiree Hill and Kevin Curran, Oklahoma.
- Student Understanding and Application of Virtues in a Redesigned Journalism Ethics Class by David Craig, PhD ’97 and Mohammad Yousuf, Oklahoma.
- Taking the White Gloves Off: The Portrayal of Female Journalists on Good Girls Revolt by Chad Painter, MA ’09 PhD ’12, Dayton and Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder.
- Teaching Journalism Ethics through “The Newsroom:” An Enhanced Learning Experience by Lavedea Peterlin and Jonathan Peters, PhD ’13, University of Kansas.
- The Evolution of the Potter Box in Mass Media Ethics by Matthew Reavy, PhD ’95, Scranton.
- Winner, Professional Relevance Award. The Use of Influence Tactics by Senior Public Relations Practitioners to Provide Ethics Counsel* Marlene Neill, MA ’07, Baylor and Amy Barnes, Arkansas at Little Rock.
- Weeding Out the Differences: Market Orientation’s Effects on the Coverage of Marijuana Legalization by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder; Chad Painter, MA ’09 PhD ’12, Dayton.
Minorities and Communication Division
- Acknowledging Oppression: Traditional, Social and Partisan Media Effects on Attitudes About Blacks from White and Minority Audiences by Danielle Kilgo, Kelsey Whipple, BJ ’10, MA ’11, and Heloisa Aruth Strum, Texas at Austin.
- First Place Faculty Paper. Calling Doctor Google? Technology Adoption and Health Information Seeking Among Low-income African-American Older Adults by Hyunjin Seo, MA ’92, Joseph Erba, Mugur Geana, PhD ’06 and Crystal Lumpkins, PhD ’07, Kansas.
- “We Can’t Win:” The Emotional Politics in the Black Lives Matter Movement by Rachel Grant, Missouri.
Newspaper and Online News Division
- Contest Over Authority: Navigating Native Advertising’s Impacts on Journalism Autonomy by You Li, PhD ’12, Eastern Michigan.
- Examining the Relationship Between Trust and Online Usage by Katie Yaeger, BJ ’15 MA ’17, and Harsh Taneja, Missouri.
- Fighting Facebook: Journalism’s Discursive Boundary Work with the “Trending,” “Napalm Girl,” and “Fake News” stories of 2016 by Brett Johnson and Kimberly Kelling, Missouri.
- Framing Drunken Driving as a Social Problem by Kuang-Kuo Chang, MA’97, Shih Hsin University.
- The Small, Disloyal Fake News Audience: The Role of Audience Availability in Fake News Consumption by Jacob Nelson, Northwestern and Harsh Taneja, Missouri.
- Third Place, Student Paper Competition. Trustee Versus Market Model: A Journalistic Field Experiment by Douglas Wilbur, Missouri.
- Young vs. Old: How Age Impacts Journalists’ Boundary Work Shift in Social Media Innovation by Yanfang Wu, Missouri.
Participatory Journalism Interest Group
- Commenters as Political Actors Infringing on the Field of Journalism by David Wolfgang, PhD ’16, Colorado State.
- Write, Write, Write for the Home Team: Motivations to Contribute to Online Sports Communities and Its Influence on News Use by Jeremy Littau, PhD ’09, Lehigh.
Political Communication Interest Group
- 2016 U.S. Presidential Election in Online News Comments by Martin J. Riedl, Gina Chen, Jordon Brown, Jeremy Shermak, MA ’16, and Ori Tenenboim, University of Texas at Austin.
Public Relations
- An Examination of Social Media from an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Perspective in Global & Regional Organizations Hua Jiang, Syracuse and Marlene Neill, MA ’07, Baylor.
- Crisis Information Seeking and Sharing (CISS): Scale Development for Measuring Publics’ Communicative Behavior in Social-Mediated Public Health Crises by Yen-I Lee and Yan Jin, PhD ’05, Georgia.
- Integrating Web and Social Analytics into Public Relations Research Course Design: A Longitudinal Pedagogical Research on Google Analytics Certification by Juan Meng, Yan Jin, PhD ’05, Yen-I Lee, and Solyee Kim, Georgia.
Religion and Media Interest Group
- Power and Politics: State Baptist Newspaper Coverage of Civil Rights, 1963-1965 by Vicki Knasel Brown, Missouri.
- “Praised Be” Praised: Religious and Secular Magazine Coverage of Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical by Alejandro Morales and Ryan Thomas, Missouri.
Scholastic Journalism Division
- Differentiations in Motivation and Need-Satisfaction Based on Course Modality: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective by Vince Filak, PhD ’03, and Kristine Nicolini, Wisconsin Oshkosh.
- Presentation: Youth in Revolt: Lessons Learned from Campus Media Protest Coverage, Marina Hendricks and Joy Jenkins.
Small Programs Interest Group
- Second Place Paper. How to Communicate University Reputation: In-depth Interviews of Parents to Understand Their Perceived University Reputation and Communication Behavior by Youngah Lee, PhD ’11 and Christa Burkholder, Ball State.
Visual Communication Division
- Access Deconstructed: An Analysis of Metajournalistic Discourse Concerning Photojournalism and Access by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13 and Ross Taylor, University of Colorado.
- Parsing Photography’s Place in A Privately Public World by T.J. Thomson and Keith Greenwood, PhD ’06, Missouri.
- The Evolution of Story: How Time and Modality Affect Visual and Verbal Narratives by T.J. Thomson, Missouri.
Moderators, Discussants, Panelists and Workshop Leaders
Faculty and doctoral students who will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders are: Jeanne Abbott, Marina Hendricks, Beverly J. Horvit, Berkley Hudson, Joy Jenkins, Debra Mason, Mike McKean, Ryan Thomas, Yong Volz, Tim Vos.
Missouri School of Journalism alumni who will serve in these roles are:
- Anthony Adornato, MA ’12, Ithaca.
- Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11.
- Christopher E. Beaudoin, PhD ’01, Boston College.
- Sheri Broyles, MA ’81, University of North Texas.
- Caryl Cooper, PhD ’96, Alabama.
- Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, University of Illinois.
- David Craig, MA ’97, Oklahoma.
- Bill Davie, MA ’77, Louisiana Lafayette.
- Sonya Forte Duhe, PhD ’93, Loyola University.
- Tracy Everback, PhD ’04, University of North Texas.
- Lillie M. Fears, PhD ’97, Arkansas State University.
- Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, University of Colorado.
- Vince Filak, PhD ’03, Wisconsin.
- Teri Finneman, MA ’10, PhD ’15, South Dakota State University.
- Michael Fuhlhage, MA ’07, Wayne State.
- Jonathan Groves, PhD ’08, Drury University.
- Chang-Dae Ham, PhD ’11, University of Illinois.
- Elizabeth Myers Hendrickson, PhD ’08, MA ’05, BJ ’94, Ohio.
- Yusuf Kalyango, MA ’04, PhD ’08, Ohio.
- Maria Len-Rios, PhD ’02, University of Georgia.
- Jeremy Littau, PhD ’09, MA ’07, Lehigh.
- Rob Logan, National Library of Medicine.
- Adam Maksl, PhD ’12, Indiana Southeast.
- Michael Martinez, PhD ’12, Tennessee-Knoxville.
- Hans Meyer, PhD ’09, MA ’06, Ohio.
- Dan Migala, BJ ’96.
- Janis Teruggi Page, PhD ’05, George Washington.
- Chad Painter, PhD ’12, MA ’09, University of Dayton.
- Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State.
- Jonathan Peters, PhD ’13, University of Kansas.
- Mark Poepsel, PhD ’11, BJ ’02, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville.
- Chelsea Reynolds, MA ’12, California State, Fullerton.
- Erin Schauster, PhD ’13, Colorado.
- Bill Silcock, PhD ’01, Arizona State.
- Carrie Brown Smith, PhD ’08, City University of New York.
- Miglena Sternadori, PhD ’08, MA ’05, Texas Tech University.
- Daxton Stewart, PhD ’09, LLM ’07, MA ’04, Texas Christian University.
- George Sylvie, MA ’78, Texas at Austin.
- Edson Tandoc, Jr., PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological University.
- Ginny Whitehouse, PhD ’97, Eastern Kentucky.
- Rachel Young, PhD ’13, University of Iowa.
Founded in 1912 in Chicago, AEJMC is an international nonprofit organization composed of more than 3,700 faculty, students and administrators at journalism and mass communication schools from more than 50 different countries. AEJMC is dedicated to providing the means necessary to journalism and mass communication educators and students to foster generations of practitioners and educators dedicated to better professional practices and a more informed public.
Updated: October 23, 2020