Top Awards and Numerous Paper Presentations Among Missouri’s Highlights at Upcoming Academic Conference

The annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention will be held in Washington, D.C., Aug. 6-9. Missouri Journalism Dean David Kurpius will host a reception for convention-goers from 7-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 8, in room W107, at the Renaissance Hotel Downtown.
The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Convention Will Be Held Aug. 6-9 in Washington, D.C.
Columbia, Mo. (July 20, 2018) — Top awards, numerous paper presentations and a reception will be among the highlights for Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni attending the annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention in Washington, D.C., Aug. 6-9.
Dean David Kurpius will host a reception for convention-goers from 8:30-10 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 8, in room W109, at the Renaissance Hotel Downtown.
Among the top awards:
- 2017 Scripps Howard Foundation Teacher of the Year Award (announced in 2018) awarded to Sheri Broyles, MA ’81, North Texas
- 2018 AEJMC-Knudson Latin America Prize awarded to Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Houston, for “Liberation Technology in El Salvador: Re-appropriating Social Media Among Alternative Media Projects” (Palgrave Macmillan)
- AEJMC-Peter Lang Scholarsourcing Series awarded one of two book contracts to Juan Meng, Georgia, and Marlene Neill, MA ’07, Baylor, for “PR Women with Influence: Breaking Through the Ethical and Leadership Challenges”
- Kappa Tau Alpha’s William H. Taft Outstanding Adviser Award to Yong Volz, associate professor, Missouri
Eighteen papers earned top research awards in 12 divisions and interest groups: Advertising Division; Communication Technology Division; Community Journalism Interest Group; Electronic News Division; History Division; Mass Communication and Technology Division; Media Ethics; Media Management, Economics and Entrepreneurship Division; Minorities and Communication Division; Newspaper and Online News Division; Participatory Journalism Interest Group; and Scholastic Journalism Division.
More than 40 Missouri journalism scholars will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders during the four-day conference.
Missouri Professor Tim Vos has been elected to serve as vice president of AEJMC and will begin his term in October.
Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face.
AEJMC Council of Affiliates
- Industries Leave Earlier, Hold Lower Positions, Earn Less, and Have Their Careers Interrupted More Than Men. Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, North Texas.
Advertising Division
- Top Paper, Advertising Teaching Category. Expectations v. Reality: Comparing Perceptions of the Advertising Industry Between Students and Professionals Sara Champlin and Sheri Broyles, MA ’81, North Texas.
- Explaining the Success of Femvertising: A Structural Modeling Approach. Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Texas Tech, and Alan Abitbol, Dayton.
- Informing, Reinforcing, and Referencing: Chinese Young Male Consumers’ Interpretation of Social Media Luxury Advertising. Huan Chen, Florida; Ye Wang, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Missouri-Kansas City.
- Second Place Paper, Open Research Category Advertising Division. The Effects of Mood and Arousal on Information Searching and Processing on a Search Engine: Implications for Paid Search Ads. Sela Sar, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; George Anghelcev, Northwestern in Qatar; Taylor Jing Wen, South Carolina; Chang-Dae Ham, PhD ’11, and Jie (Doreen) Shen, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- When Our Goals Set Our Biases: How Regulatory Focus Moderates Persuasion Knowledge and Third-person Perception in Health Advertising. Giang Pham and Chang-Dae Ham, PhD ’11, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
- Disrupting the Protest Paradigm: Toward a Model of the Sociological Effects, Routines and Norms Influencing Journalistic Coverage of U.S. Protests. Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Houston, and Danielle Kilgo, Indiana.
Commission on the Status of Women
- “Boyfriending In”: Violence and Romance in News Narratives About Sex Trafficking. Anne Johnston and Barbara Friedman, PhD ’04, North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness in Online Health Information Seeking. Seow Ting Lee, PhD ’02, Colorado-Boulder.
- Exploring Differences in Crisis Literacy and Efficacy on Behavioral Responses During Infectious Disease Outbreaks. Lucinda Austin, North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Brooke Liu, PhD ’03, Maryland; Seoyeon Kim, and Yan Jin, PhD ’05, Georgia.
- Folk Theorizing the Quality and Credibility of Health Apps. Shaheen Kanthawala, Eunsin Joo, Anastasia Kononova, PhD ’10, Wei Peng and Shelia Cotten, Michigan State.
- Health Behavior Intention: A Concept Explication. Ciera Dockter, Missouri.
- How Does Media Promote Pro-environmental Behaviors as Collective Action: An Examination of Illusion of Knowledge. Xiaodong Yang, Shandong University; Xiaoming Hao, PhD ’93, and Shirley Ho, Nanyang Technological.
- Tweeting in the Midst of Disaster: A Comparative Case Study of Journalists’ Practices Following Four Crises. Amber Hinsley, Saint Louis and Hyunmin Lee, PhD ’11, Drexel.
- Understanding the Role of Gatekeeping in New England Journalists’ Priorities for Reporting on Aquaculture. Kevin Duffy, Laura Rickard, and Paul Grosswiler, PhD ’90, Maine.
Communication Technology Division
- Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness in Online Health Information Seeking. Seow Ting Lee, PhD ’02, Colorado-Boulder.
- From the Margins to the Newsfeed: Social Media Audiences’ Disruption of the Protest Paradigm. Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Houston and Danielle Kilgo, Indiana.
- I DON’T USE FACEBOOK ANYMORE: An Investigation into the Relationship Between the Motivations to Leave Facebook and the Big Five Personality Traits. Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, Rowan and Klive (Soo-Kwang) Oh, MA ’10, Pepperdine.
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship: International Journalism Students’ Interpretive Repertoires for a Changing Occupation. Jane B. Singer, PhD ’96. City, University of London, and Marcel Broersma, University of Groningen.
- Instagramming Social Presence: A Test of Social Presence Theory and Heuristic Cues on Instagram Sponsored Posts. Erika Johnson, MA ’12, PhD ’16, East Carolina and Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, Rowan.
- “NextDoor People Are Nuts”: Analyzing Twitter Perspectives About the People and Purpose of NextDoor. Kelsey Whipple, Texas at Austin.
- Predicting Cellphone Use While Driving and Walking Among College Students. Tao Deng, Michigan State; Juan Mundel, DePaul; Kristen Lynch, Anastasia Kononova, PhD ’10, and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
- Predictors of Multiscreen Use: A Comparative Study of the United States and the Netherlands. Claire Segijn, Minnesota, Twin Cities and Anastasia Kononova, PhD ’10, Michigan State.
- Second Place Paper, Latino/Latin American Communication Research Award. Seeking Transnational, Entrepreneurial News from Latin America: An Audience Analysis. Vanessa Higgins Joyce, Texas State, and Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Houston.
- Snapchat Usage from the International Perspective: Comparison Between the United States and South Korea. Haseon Park, Soojung Kim, and Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, North Dakota.
- When Journalism and Automation Intersect: Assessing the Influence of the Technological Field on Contemporary Newsrooms. Shangyuan Wu, Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, and Charles Salmon, Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
- Who Leads the Conversation on Climate Change?: A Study of the Global Network of NGOs on Twitter. Hong Vu, Kansas; Hung Do, Trader Interactive; Hyunjin Seo MA ’92, and Yuchen Liu, Kansas.
Community Journalism Interest Group
- First Place Faculty Paper. Bringing the Community to Journalism: A Comparative Analysis of Hearken-Driven and Traditional News at Four NPR Stations. Mark Poepsel, PhD ’11, Southern Illinois, Edwardsville and Jennifer Cox, Salisbury.
- Pursuing Civic Capital: Journalistic, Economic and Political Goals at a City Magazine. Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17, Oxford.
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
- Down With the Clown: Taste, Class and Protest in American Journalistic Coverage of Juggalos. Kelsey Whipple, Texas at Austin.
- Making Sense of Tastemaking: How Music Journalists Interpret Culture – and Their Place in It. Kelsey Whipple, Texas at Austin.
- Teenagers, Terrorism, and Technopanic: How British Newspapers Framed Female ISIS Recruits as Victims of Social Media. Sara Shaban, Missouri.
- The End of Ombudsmen? 21st-Century Journalism and Reader Representatives. Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder.
- “Without Women There Is No Revolution”: A Feminist CDA of Ni Una Menos’s Twitter Communications. Ayleen Cabas, Missouri.
Electronic News Division
- Second Place Faculty Paper. Small Station with Big Voices: Giving a Microphone to Communities Through Student-Citizen Collaborations. Deborah Chung, Mike Farrell, Kakie Urch, and Yung Soo Kim, MA ’03, Kentucky.
- Third Place Faculty Paper. Frames and Sources of Links in the Climate Discussion on Twitter, 2012-2015. J.A. Lavaccare and Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Michigan State, and Luping Wang, Cornell.
Electronic News and Visual Communications Division
- I “Like” That: Exploring the Characteristics That Promote Social Media Engagement with News Photographs. Keith Greenwood, PhD ’06, Missouri.
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
- What Does It Mean to Be a Woman in “Indie” Game Storytelling? Narrative Framing in Independently-Developed Video Games. Mimi Perreault, PhD ’16, Andrea Suarez, and Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15 Appalachian.
- Who Loves the Biblical Epic? A Mixed-Method Analysis of Online Community Perception of Epic Biblical Movies. Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, and Thomas Mueller, Appalachian State.
History Division
- Second Place Paper, Stevenson Open Competition and First Place Paper, Latino/Latin American Communication Research Award. Framing the Colombian Peace Process: Between Peace and War Journalism. Victor Garcia-Perdomo, Universidad de La Sabana; Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Houston, and Danielle Kilgo, Indiana.
- Walter Lippmann and the Follies of Detachment. Julien Gorbach, PhD ’13, Hawaii at Manoa.
Korean American Communication Association
- The Tipping Point: A Comparative Study of U.S. and Korean Social Media Users on Decisions to Switch to New Platforms. Klive (Soo-Kwang) Oh, MA ’10, Pepperdine; Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, Rowan, and Hee Sun Park, Korea.
Magazine Media Division
- Traditional Journalists on Gaming Journalism: Metajournalistic Discourse on the Rise of Lifestyle Journalism. Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State, and Tim Vos, Missouri.
Mass Communication and Society Division
- Big Data and Journalism Transformations: Evaluating Automation as a New Entrant to the Journalistic Field. Shangyuan Wu, Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, and Charles Salmon, Nanyang Technological University.
- Conceptualization of the Public Health Model of Reporting through Application: The Case of the Cincinnati Enquirer’s Heroin Beat. Erin Willis, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Colorado-Boulder, and Chad Painter, MA ’09, PhD ’12, Dayton.
- The Effects of Flow in Mobile Gaming: Involvement, Spending Practices, and Attitude. Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State, and Samuel M. Tham, MA ’15, Michigan State.
- Effects of Race, Attractiveness, and Mental Health Attribution in Mass Shooting News. Tao Deng, Syed Ali Hussain, Samuel M. Tham, MA ’15, and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
- Effects of Scandals and Presidential Debates in the U.S. 2016 Presidential Elections. Esther Thorson and Weiyue Chen, Michigan State; and Leticia Bode, Georgetown.
- Second Place, Open Competition Errors and Corrections in Digital News Content. Kirstie Hettinga, California Lutheran; and Alyssa Appelman, BJ ’08, MA ’09, Northern Kentucky.
- Individual Differences in Second-Level Agenda Setting. Renita Coleman, PhD ’01, Texas at Austin and Denis Wu, Boston University.
- Music Use and Genre Choice as Coping Strategies for Emotions. Jewell Davis and Li-jing Chang, MA ’89, Jackson State.
- Understanding the Role Performance of Native Advertising on News Websites. You Li, MA ’08, PhD ’12, Eastern Michigan.
- What the Fake?! How Social Media Users Define, Spot, and Respond to Fake News. Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, and Darren Lim, Nanyang Technological.
- Younger Millennials’ Media Use: A Qualitative Gratifications and Media Repertoires Approach. Danielle Myers LaGree, PhD ’17, Kansas State and Margaret Duffy, Missouri.
Media Management, Economics and Entrepreneurship Division
- First Place Faculty Paper. Entrepreneurial News Sites as Worthy Causes? Exploring Readers’ Motivations Behind Donating to Latin American Journalism. Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Houston.
- Third Place Faculty Paper. McClatchy’s “Reinvention” and Socially Responsible Existentialists: An Interview-based Case Study. Mark Poepsel, PhD ’11, Southern Illinois Edwardsville.
Minorities and Communication Division
- Top Student Paper. _______ Lives Matter: The Impact of Exemplar Race and Story Frame on Perceived Issue Severity. Robert Jones, Missouri.
- Third Place Paper. Latino/Latin American Communication Research Award. The Effects of Latino Cultural Identity and Media Use on Political Engagement and Vote Choice in Election 2016. Maria Len-Rios, PhD ’02, Georgia and Patricia Moy, Washington.
- To Ferguson, Love Palestine: Mediating Life Under Occupation. Cristina Mislan and Sara Shaban, Missouri.
Media Ethics Division
- Top Faculty Paper. Electoral Reckonings: Press Criticism of Presidential Campaign Coverage, 2000-2016. Elizabeth Bent, Kimberly Kelling, BJ ’11, PhD ’18, and Ryan Thomas, Missouri.
- An Ethic of Advocacy: Metajournalistic Discourse on the Practice of Leaks and Whistleblowing 2004-2017. Brett Johnson, Elizabeth Bent, and Caroline Dade, Missouri.
- The Discursive (Re)Construction of the Objectivity Norm. Tim Vos, Ryan Thomas, Amanda Hinnant, MA ’99, and Yong Volz, Missouri.
Newspaper and Online News Division
- Top Faculty Paper. All the News That Tweets: Newspapers’ Use of Twitter Posts as News Sources from 2009 to 2016. Kyle Heim, PhD ’10, Shippensburg.
- Top Student Paper. Control and Resistance: The Influences of Political, Economic, and Technological Factors on Chinese Investigative Reporting. Lei Guo, Missouri.
- Second Place Top Faculty Paper. Journalism’s Relationship to Democracy: Roles, Attitudes, and Practices. David Wolfgang, MA ’11, PhD ’16, Colorado State; Tim Vos and Kimberly Kelling, BJ ’11, PhD ’18, Missouri.
- Does a More Diverse Newspaper Staff Reflect Its Community? Analyzing The Dallas Morning News’ Content. Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, North Texas; Jake Batsell, Southern Methodist; Sara Champlin and Gwendelyn Nisbett, North Texas.
- Protests, Media Coverage, and a Hierarchy of Social Struggle. Danielle Kilgo, Indiana, and Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Houston.
- Tweeting Local Sports: Best Practices of a Successful Sports Reporter. Matthew Reavy, PhD ’95, and Kimberly Pavlick, Scranton.
Participatory Journalism Interest Group
- “I Love Weather More Than Anybody”: A Digital Ethnography of The Weather Channel’s Online Fan Community. Jeremy Shermak, MA ’14, and Kelsey Whipple, BJ ’10, MA ’11, Texas at Austin.
- To Share Is to Receive: News as Social Currency on Social Media. Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Alice Huang, Andrew Duffy, Rich Ling, and Nuri Kim, Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
Political Communication Interest Group
- A Citizen-Based Profile of Fake News Dissemination on Facebook. Toby Hopp, Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, and Chris Vargo, Colorado-Boulder.
- Please Mind the Platform Gap: How Online News Source Impacts Civic and Political Engagement. Nuri Kim, Andrew Duffy, Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Rich Ling and Alice Huang, Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
- Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Identity: Exploring a Model for Political Talk on Facebook. Toby Hopp, Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, and Chris Vargo, Colorado-Boulder.
- Speaking in a Woman’s Name: Gender Difference of Political Expressive Participation on Twitter. Lingshu Hu and Mike Kearney, Missouri.
- To Share Is to Receive: News as Social Currency on Social Media. Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Alice Huang, Andrew Duffy, Rich Ling, and Nuri Kim, Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
Public Relations Division
- Championing Women’s Empowerment as a Catalyst for Purchase Intentions: Testing the Mediating Roles of OPRs and Brand Loyalty in the Context of Femvertising. Alan Abitbol, Dayton, and Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Texas Tech.
- Emotions in Social Media: An Analysis of Tweet Responses to MH370 Search Suspension Announcement. Su Lin Yeo, Augustine Pang, PhD ’06, Michelle Cheong, and Jerome Yeo, Singapore Management University.
- Ethical Public Typology: How Does Moral Foundation Theory and Anti-Corporatism Predict Public Differences in Crisis? Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, Rowan, and Kyujin Shim, Melbourne.
- H1N1 News Releases: How Two Media Systems Responded to a Global Health Pandemic. Seow Ting Lee, PhD ’02, Colorado-Boulder.
- Leadership Matters: The Role of Values Congruence Between Leadership Styles and CSR Practice in Corporate Crises. Jeesun Kim, PhD ’09, Incheon National University; Hyun Jee Oh, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Hong Kong Baptist University; and Chang-Dae Ham, PhD ’11, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Public Relations Primed: An Update on Practitioners’ Moral Reasoning, from Moral Development to Moral Maintenance. Erin Schauster, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder; Marlene Neill, MA ’07, Baylor; Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder; and Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological University Singapore.
- The Relationship Exchange Theory: Organization-Public Relationship (OPR) in the Big Data Age. Hongmei Shen, San Diego State, and Yang Cheng, PhD ’17, North Carolina State.
Scholastic Journalism Division
- Top Faculty Paper. In Their Own Words and Experiences: Journalistic Roles of High School Journalists. Marina Hendricks, PhD ’17, South Dakota State.
Visual Communication Division
- Feminine, Competent, Submissive: A Multimodal Analysis of Depictions of Women in U.S. Wartime Persuasive Messages. Easton Wollney, Florida, and Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Texas Tech.
- Hashtag Feminism Around the World: A Comparative Analysis of #MeToo Tweets. Hyunjin Seo, MA ’92, Hong Tien Vu, Shola Aromona, Yuchen Liu, and Fatemeh Shayesteh, Kansas.
- Profile Pictures Across Platforms: How Identity Visually Manifests Itself Among Social Media Communities. T.J. Thomson, MA ’15, PhD ’18, and Keith Greenwood, PhD ’06, Missouri.
- To Tone or Not to Tone: A Hierarchy of Influences Examination of Photojournalistic Image Manipulation. Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, and Ross Taylor, Colorado-Boulder.
Moderators, Discussants, Panelists and Workshop Leaders
Alumni, faculty and doctoral students who will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders are:
- Bob Britten, MA ’04, PhD ’08, West Virginia
- Vicki Brown, Missouri
- Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois
- Caryl Cooper, PhD ’96, Alabama
- William Davie, MA ’77, Louisiana-Lafayette
- Margaret Duffy, Missouri
- Sonya Duhe, PhD ’93, Loyola New Orleans
- Aimee Edmondson, PhD ’08, Ohio
- Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, North Texas
- Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado
- Teri Finneman, MA ’10, PhD ’15, Kansas
- Cynthia Frisby, Missouri
- Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Houston
- Marina Hendricks, PhD ’17, South Dakota State
- Elizabeth Hendrickson, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Ohio
- Beverly Horvit, MA ’96, PhD ’99, Missouri
- J. Brian Houston, Missouri
- Cathy Jackson, PhD ’04, Norfolk State
- Mi Jahng, PhD ’12, Wayne State
- Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17, Oxford
- Yusuf Kalyango, Jr., MA ’04, PhD ’08, Ohio
- Stan Ketterer, PhD ’00, Oklahoma State
- Byung Lee, PhD ’93, Elon
- YoungAh Lee, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Ball State
- Maria E. Len-Rios, PhD ’02, Georgia
- You Li, MA ’08, PhD ’12, Eastern Michigan
- Jeremy Littau, MA ’07, PhD ’09, Lehigh
- Brooke Fisher Liu, MA ’03, Maryland
- Michael Martinez, MA ’80, PhD ’12, Tennessee
- Debra Mason, Missouri
- Hans Meyer, MA ’06, PhD ’09, Ohio
- Uche Onyebadi, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Texas Christian
- Janis Page, PhD ’05, George Washington
- Chad Painter, MA ’09, PhD ’12, Dayton
- Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State
- Earnest Perry, Missouri
- Jonathan Peters, PhD ’13, Georgia
- Mark Poepsel, PhD ’11, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville
- Chelsea Reynolds, MA ’12, California State-Fullerton
- Frank Russell, PhD ’16, California State-Fullerton
- Charles Self, MA ’71, Oklahoma
- Hyunjin Seo, MA ’92, Kansas
- Jae-Hwa Shin, PhD ’03, Southern Mississippi
- Bill Silcock, PhD ’01, Arizona State
- Jane Singer, PhD ’96, City University of London
- Carrie Brown Smith, PhD ’08, City University of New York
- Kellie Stanfield, MA ’14, PhD ’17, Salisbury
- Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Texas Tech
- Daxton Chip Stewart, MA ’04, PhD ’09, Texas Christian
- Edson C. Tandoc, Jr., PhD ’13, NTU Singapore
- Esther Thorson, Michigan State, MU professor emerita
- Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Michigan State
- Yong Volz, Missouri
- Tim Vos, Missouri
- Lee Wilkins, BJ ’71, MU professor emerita
- Rachel Young, MA 01, PhD ’13, Iowa
- Shuhua Zhou, Missouri
Updated: November 4, 2020